Welcome to Kings Norton Girls’ School Supporting Your Daughter in Years 10 and 11 Welcome to Kings Norton Girls’ School
Aims and structure of the evening. Aim: To give strategies on how you can support your daughter: The research on learning and achievement, Maths Workshops in Science, English, MFL Top Tips leaflets for other option subjects Extra English / NVQ Language
In Year 10 and 11 successful students… Develop as independent learners Know what they need to do to improve and how to achieve this. Organised Excellent attendance In year 10 11 Successful students: Develop as independent learners. – Taking responsibility for their own learning, Proactive, ensuring they understand, ask questions, know what they need to do and how to improve. And ask if they don’t . Achieve this - by using resources , eg past exam papers mark schemes, revision classes, asking , and asking again until they understand – teacher peers, you. Begin to identify ways to help themselves and become self motivated. Don’t wait to be told to do something Organised - Make sure work is handed in on time, H/W revision all organised and planned. And feedback is acted upon. Attendance 8 days = 1 grade
How can you support your daughter to be successful? Show an interest, talk about what she has learnt, ask questions, listen Help to organise her time for homework and study, with a suitable place to work Ensure time aside for relaxation and fun Where possible support with resources that will help Encourage full attendance Contact us straight away if you have any worries
Your Parent’s Guide to Years 10 and 11 includes… Contact details Importance of attendance Assessment calendar, New GCSE grades: All subjects Homework timetable How to help in English, Maths, Science The right study environment How to help Growth Mindset Strategies to support understanding, learning and reviewing work
Preparing for assessment Understanding work How to learn Review, recap Retrieval of the appropriate knowledge Effective exam technique
Understanding Mindmapping Use of diagrams Use of images Chunking information to break it down Adding information Creating flashcards Explaining to other people Planning answers to exam questions
Learning Look, think of facts, images, diagram Cover and rewrite / say / draw Check against the original Correct mistakes in a different colour pen to make it stand out Go back and repeat
Changes created by the communist revolution In Russia Graphic organisers Condensing information challenges students to structure information. Comparison Table Changes created by the communist revolution In Russia From the view point of: Before the revolution: After the revolution: The life of a peasant Industrial development Etc Active revision , not passive
Dual Coding - Humanities
Mind maps - Science
Growth Mindset "If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning." Carol Dweck
Listen for the messages in the following examples “You learned that so quickly! You’re so smart!” “Look at that drawing, is she the next Picasso or what?” “You’re so brilliant, you got an A without even studying!” “If I don’t learn something quickly, I’m not smart.” “I shouldn’t try drawing anything hard or they’ll see I’m no Picasso.” “I’d better quit studying or they won’t think I’m brilliant.” If you’re like most parents, you hear these as supportive, esteem-boosting messages. But listen more closely. See if you can hear another message. It’s the ones that children hear:
It is important to praise your daughters Praise what they have accomplished through practice, study, persistence and good strategies. Have high expectations for achievement Learning from mistakes allows growth and progress.
Raising the Participation Age
Raising the Participation Age To the age of 18: Full time education Apprenticeship Employment with at Least 20% training. Continue to study English and Maths if a grade 4 is not achieved in year 11.
Student School Parents Success Please feel free to contact school if you would like help. We really do believe that the successful partnership is… School Parents
Year 10 PAP - Maths
Why are we where we are now. Where are we now that we are here Why are we where we are now? Where are we now that we are here? What are we doing about where we are now we are here? How you can help us to help you and your daughter to get where she wants to be when she wants to get there?
Where? New GCSE Harder content Harder problem solving Both papers start harder and finish harder The foundation paper looks nothing like it did
New Grade boundaries Higher 17-21% Grade 4 (Standard pass/Grade C) 28-33% Grade 5 (Good pass) 52-58% Grade 7 (Grade A) 79-84% Grade 9 (approx top 2% of country) Foundation 51-57% Grade 4 (Standard pass/Grade C) 66-70% Grade 5 (Good pass)
What? More problem solving Better understanding More exam practice More doing foundation The stage system
The stage system
Fractions Stage 8 7 6 5 4 Solving Equations
Assessment data
How? Talk to your daughters about their Maths Be positive Have high expectations of numeracy in real life Encourage additional e-work
School ID: KG3112
Monday lunchtime