Introductory Paragraph 3 minutes – plan 20 minutes – write 2 minutes – review/edit SAT Essay Outline General Statement about the topic Introductory Paragraph GeneralTo Specific Introduce both examples (title, author, genre if it’s a work of literature) Thesis: clearly state connection between your examples & task/question posed. Topic Sentence: State how example #1 applies to the task/question Body Paragraph #1 = Example 1 Using details, explain how the example supports your thesis. If you are using a work of literature, include analysis of literary elements (characterization, motivation, conflict, symbolism, foreshadowing, etc.) Clincher: Rephrase your topic sentence. Topic Sentence: State how example #2 applies to the task/question Body Paragraph #2 = Example 2 Using details, explain how the example supports your thesis. If you are using a work of literature, include analysis of literary elements (characterization, motivation, conflict, symbolism, foreshadowing, etc.) Clincher: Rephrase your topic sentence Rephrase Thesis Summarize your ideas as stated in your topic sentences Specific To General Conclusion Universal Statement: Make connection to life in general