Welcome to Freshman Student & Parent Night Four Year Plan - September 13, 2018
Our Professional School Counseling Team Dr. Genoulia Johnson – Dept. Chair, (10th-12th, A-Gak) Mr. G. Mark Ellis - (9th Grade) Ms. Ava Butler - (10th-12th, Gal-New) Ms. Stacey Foney – (10th-12th, Nex-Z) Mrs. Andrea Rocha – Counseling Department PA Dr. Mulanta Wilkins – 9th Grade Academy AP Mrs. Brittany Peyton – 9th Grade Lead Teacher Mrs. Gail Ritchie – Graduation Coach Ms. Kimberly Daniel – College & Career Center Mrs. Maia Smith – School Social Worker Mrs. Melanie Blinder – School Psychologist Mr. James Landreau – Magnet Coordinator Mrs. Juretha Lawson – 504 Chair Mrs. Lori Bryan – Registrar
9th Grade Academy Updates Dr. Mulanta Wilkins Mrs. Kelly Olson Mrs. Tiffani Trawick Ms. Kimberly Daniel Mr. James Landreau Mr. G. Mark Ellis
Graduation Requirements Language Arts Math Science Social Studies World Language, Fine Arts, and/or Career Tech Ed Health and PE Electives
Language Arts – 4 Years 9th Grade Lit/Comp on-level or Honors 11th Grade American Literature, Honors, or AP Language/American Literature 12th Grade World Lit/Comp and Multi-Cultural Lit/Comp or AP Lit/Comp Dual Enrollment College English
Mathematics – 4 Years Algebra I or ACC Algebra I/Geometry A H Geometry or ACC Geometry B/Algebra II H Algebra II, Pre-Calculus, or Pre-Calculus H Advanced Math Decision Making, Calculus, AP Statistics, or Calculus AB AP Calculus BC or GA Tech Calculus AP Computer Science Dual Enrollment
Science – 4 Years Biology or Biology Honors Chemistry, Chemistry Honors, Earth, Environmental, or a AP Science Class Physics or AP Physics A Astronomy, Forensic Science, Human Ant/Phys H, AP Biology, AP Environmental, AP Chemistry, or AP Physics Essentials of Healthcare, AP Computer Science, AP Computer Science Principles, Computer Science Principles, or Web Development
Social Studies – 3 Years World History or AP World History US History or AP US History American Government or AP American Government Economics or AP Macroeconomics
World Language – 2 Years Chinese 1, 2, and 3 Chinese 2 and 3 Honors French 1, 2, and 3 French 2, 3, 4 Honors, and AP Latin 1, 2, 3, and 4 Latin 2, 3, 4 Honors, and AP Spanish 1, 2, and 3 Spanish 2, 3, 4 Honors, and AP
Health and PE – 1 Year General Health - .5 credit Personal Fitness - .5 credit PE credit waived upon completion of 1 of the following by end of junior year: Varsity Sport Magnet Dance 3 course or higher PE credit waived after completing JROTC 1, 2, and 3
Promotion Requirements 10th Grade 5 Credits 11th Grade 12 Credits 12th Grade 19 Credits
Graduation Requirements NSHS – 26 credits GA DOE – 23 credits Students must earn a 70 or higher in each semester course in order to receive credit
End of Course Milestones 9th Grade Literature & Composition American Literature & Composition Algebra I Geometry Biology US History Economics (Must take EOC, 20% of grade)
Preparing for College & Career GA Career Information System (GCIS) - www.gcic.peachnet.edu Career Cluster Inventory
North Springs & Riverwood College Night September 27th from 6 to 8 PM Ridgeview Middle School Over 50 Selective Colleges & Universities, HBCUs, Technical Colleges, and Armed Services Workshops & Breakout Sessions: Understanding SAT vs ACT Financial Aid & Scholarships HBCU Panel Discussion: Dispelling the Myth El Camino a la Universidad para Latinos
HOPE Requirements GSFC.org Zell Miller Scholarship – 3.7 GPA & 1200 SAT Score or 26 ACT Composite Hope Scholarship – 3.0 GPA Zell Miller Grant – Must maintain 3.5 Technical College GPA, 1st semester of enrollment will be paid retroactively HOPE Grant – Certificate or diploma HOPE Career Grant – Major that is strategically important to GA economy
9th Grade Year Timeline Work on Study Skills Work on Vocabulary and Writing Skills Maintain good working Relationships with Teachers Take Honors Courses Choose a couple of extracurricular activities Get Acclimated, eat healthy, and rest
Make-up Failed Courses Summer School: Fulton Virtual Campus http://www.fultonschools.org/en/divisions/acd/learnteach/InstrTech/Pages/FultonVirtual.aspx GA Virtual School www.GAVirtualSchool.org Fulton Virtual Credit Recovery GA Virtual Credit Recovery Please Note: Fulton Virtual Credit Recovery and GA Virtual Credit Recovery do not meet NCAA requirements
Questions & Answers Thank You for Attending the 9th Grade Student & Parent Night!