Using Destiny Your Guide to managing your account, eBooks, placing holds, and using the Destiny Apps!
Step 1: Click on the Catalog tab and search for the book you want or click on the FollettShelf tab and to locate the book. Step 2: Open the Book eBooks
Click on thebook to check out the Title
Click on the My Info Tab to Read after logging into Destiny
You can jump to the page you like Add notes Have this book read out loud
You can print out eBook notes The notes stay with the book even after you check the book back in (unless you delete all highlighting and notes from the Add Notes button) . You can print out eBook notes
Step 1: Find the Free App from the App Store: BryteWave K-12 (You can also do a search for Follett) Downloading eBooks
Step 2: Download Step 3: Put in your state and school number of name to locate. Step 4: Login and download eBook to read
Browse for the book. You are still online and can take notes and highlight. You need to check the book out to download.
Download Book
Changing Your Password Step 1: Retrieve your user name from your librarian Step 2: Go to Destiny at: Step 3: Scroll to find your school Step 4: Click on the Login Button in the top right-hand corner Step 5: Click Forgot Password Link Step 6: Enter Your User name and Barcode (OSIS number) Step 7: Enter your birth date Step 8: Type in your new password and retype it in the Confirm password Field (Note: Choose one you can remember but select a secure option with numbers and characters) Final Step: Save It! Changing Your Password
Placing Holds Step 1: Login to your school’s Destiny Page Step 2: Click on the Catalog Tab to find the book you want to read Step 3: Click on the Book Title Step 4: Click the Hold It Button Step 5: Your librarian will notify you when the book is ready for pickup Placing Holds
Recommending Titles to Other Users Step 1: Login to your school’s Destiny Page Step 2: Click on the Catalog Tab to find the book you want to read Step 3: Click on the Book Title Step 4: Click on the Recommend Button Step 5: Find the person you are looking for by typing in his/her last name. Step 6: Click Save and it will go to their account! Recommending Titles to Other Users
Download Destiny Quest App Destiny Quest allows you to see new arrivals in your school library, see Resource Lists of books created by your librarians and peers, keep track of your reading, and allows you to read books online you have checked out. This tutorial gives an overview of what to do: Please note: Our URL for New York City is: Scroll down the massive list to find your school and then follow the directions of the video above! Download Destiny Quest App