Accelerated Reading Time until 1:49
Tomorrow is THS orientation meeting 6 pm – 7:30. Be there Physical Science April 17, 2017 Student Planner Place this in the proper place Tomorrow is THS orientation meeting 6 pm – 7:30. Be there .
Essential Question: Which direction is North, South, East and West? Write your summary from Last Class’s notes on Last Class’s paper. Last class’s EQ was: Essential Question: Which direction is North, South, East and West?
Summary: We had a modified opening copying the planner for April 12-14. We graded planners and received the SkyMap assignment, which is due May 1st.
Astronomy Essential Question: What is the name of the 4 inner planets? Topic/Objective: Name: Astronomy Class/Period: Date: April 17, 2017 Essential Question: What is the name of the 4 inner planets?
Warm Up
1. - a spherical or elongated galaxy with a bright center and very little dust and gas
2- a unit of length equal to the distance that light travels in space in one year
3- a galaxy with a nuclear bulge in the center and very distinctive spiral arms
4. Planet that is 3rd from the Sun
1. - a spherical or elongated galaxy with a bright center and very little dust and gas
1. Elliptical galaxy
2- a unit of length equal to the distance that light travels in space in one year
Light year
3- a galaxy with a nuclear bulge in the center and very distinctive spiral arms
Spiral galaxy
4. Planet that is 3rd from the Sun
Homework Study your vocab. Complete sky map assignment
Today’s Work Sky Map assignment - review Astronomy notes
Sky Map Assignment Due May 1 Using the map and the data sheet, go outdoors at night and find the items requested on the data sheet. Write the names of the space objects you saw in the correct space. Make it a family activity!
This is done outside at night! SkyMap This is done outside at night! Instructions: Figure which direction is North, south, east and west on the chart. Holding the chart overhead, match the compass directions on the map to the cardinal directions. Look for the brightest stars, and planets, and match to the chart. Record the items you match in the sky at night! Video link instructions
WARNING. Do it soon while the sky is clear WARNING! Do it soon while the sky is clear. If you wait, you may find it is cloudy and you cannot see the sky.
Astronomy Measuring Distances in space a) 1 Light year- traveling at the speed of light for one year (300,000,000 m/s) or (187,500 miles/s). Used in measuring distance outside of the solar system
b) Astronomical unit-the average distance between the Earth and the Sun. Used within the solar system and within star planetary systems
Stars generate their own light by nuclear fusion All stars emit gamma rays, x-rays, infrared, visible light, Ultraviolet and radio waves The color of the star is dependent on how hot the star is burning. Hot Cool
Comet- small body of ice, rock and cosmic dust located at the edge of the solar system
Asteroid - rocky bodies in orbit around the sun Asteroid - rocky bodies in orbit around the sun. They are mostly located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Ceres is the largest at 587 miles across.
Meteoroid- similar to an asteroid but smaller orbiting the sun Meteoroid- similar to an asteroid but smaller orbiting the sun. Grains of sand, ice crystals, pebbles and small rocks. May become a meteor.
Galaxy- clusters of billions of stars Galaxy- clusters of billions of stars. There are 3 basic shapes – Elliptical, spiral and irregular. Our sun is a star in the Milky Way galaxy – a spiral galaxy.
This is done outside at night! SkyMap This is done outside at night! Instructions: Figure which direction is North, south, east and west on the chart. Holding the chart overhead, match the compass directions on the map to the cardinal directions. Look for the brightest stars, and planets, and match to the chart. Record the items you match in the sky at night! Video link instructions
Inner Planets called Rocky planets or terrestrial planets Mercury Smallest Planet and closest to the sun. No moons Rotation-spin on its axis 59 days Revolution- orbit around the Sun - its year is equal to 88 Earth days
2. Venus -Virtually the same size, mass and Density as Earth -Sun rises in the west and sets in the East because it rotates opposite to Earth -One day on Venus is about as long as a year on Earth
-Hottest surface - the atmosphere is a thick cloud of CO2 (464° C) holds the heat -Rains sulfuric acid -No oceans, Active volcanoes -No Moons -Typically the 3rd brightest object in the sky(#1 = Sun, #2 = Moon)
3. Earth Just the right distance from the sun so temperatures do not completely freeze or boil away the water. Gravity holds the atmosphere. Rotation 24 hours; Revolution = 365.25 days.
4. Mars Last Inner planet Thin atmosphere and further from the sun so it is a cold planet Water is in solid form-ice Largest volcanoes & 2 moons Rotation is 24 hours and 37 minutes – Similar to the Earth. Revolution takes 1 year, 322 days