Discussion Point Is there a natural order in the universe? List the evidence for and against. Are there any moral beliefs held by most or all people which might indicate a common moral law? List them.
Introduction to Natural Law Aquinas used Aristotle’s ideas to argue that the world was created by God, and that everything in it has a purpose known by God. A persons or things purpose or what is was designed and created for is its ‘Telos’. Aquinas argued that everything had it’s ‘proper end’ (purpose) as part of God’s ordering of the world Humans were set apart in creation and given reason and freedom. Therefore we can choose whether or not to follow our ‘proper end’. This he called the ‘natural law’. Moral dilemmas are part of what we actively use our natural reason and natural law for in real life, for example is abortion acceptable?
Natural Law Key thinkers: Task: 5Ws on each thinker Aristotle influenced the work of Aquinas Aquinas developed Natural Law using some of the teachings of Aristotle. Aquinas was Christian so his ideas are from the Judaeo-Christian perspective Task: 5Ws on each thinker
Aristotle Lived: 384 BC - 322 BC. Pupil to Plato and teacher of Alexander the Great. Used empirical observation to then reason to gain knowledge. Wrote over 200 books on many topics such as politics, natural philosophy and moral behaviour.
St Thomas Aquinas Natural Law was developed by St Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274). Key Text: Summa Theologica Before Aquinas the medieval Church was facing challenges. Crusaders were bringing back new religious ideas from the Holy Land. The Church’s ideas were often confused and contradictory. Aquinas was heavily influenced by the writings of Aristotle, in particular the idea that ‘rationality’ (the ability to reason) was a key element of human existence.
Influence of Aristotle: Four Causes Link to ethics and moral behaviour? Task Link to Philosophy: Aristotle’s 4 Causes – describe each and explain what role each plays On your sheet apply the 4 Causes to a human What could be (according to Aristotle) the Efficient and Final Causes of a human? What are the implications of the EC and FC on a human’s moral behaviour? Challenge: Why is Aristotle’s Prime mover different to the Judeo Christian God
Aristotle and our Purpose Aristotle’s ideas about our telos influenced Aquinas. Aristotle said that if we lead a virtuous life our telos is to achieve eudemonia ‘to be happy and flourish’ Aristotle was a monist, meaning that he saw our moral purpose of eudemonia to be in this life. Explain: Why and how might Aquinas have updated Aristotle’s ideas?
St Thomas Aquinas List: Natural Law became a central feature of Roman Catholic moral thinking. It is still influential now. Empiric observation and Reason (based on Aristotle) Faith, Bible & Church Authority ‘New and improved’ Christianity List: 4 influences of Natural Law that you might identify in Catholic teachings today
Why is this question important to us?? How did Aquinas develop the idea of FINAL CAUSE? Aquinas used Aristotle's idea of Final Cause to understand what the purpose of a Human is. Aristotle said all objects and beings have causes that we can observe and find empirical information about how it came to be or what it is designed for (it’s purpose!) Aquinas mostly used Aristotle’s idea of Final Cause to discuss the questions we have about our moral purpose. Why is this question important to us??
Aquinas and our Purpose (Telos) St Thomas Aquinas believed everything has a natural purpose (telos). He uses Aristotle’s idea of Final Cause. He believed a humans' natural purpose was to be rational. The SYNDERISIS RULE - TO DO GOOD AND AVOID EVIL is NATURAL to us. Aquinas used Aristotle’s EFFICIENT AND FINAL CAUSE to explain our TELOS. Aquinas believed our EFFICIENT CAUSE was that we were made by GOD and our final cause is to BE AT UNION WITH GOD. Natural Law is the way in which we can fufill our ultimate purpose - to be at union with god. Natural Law helps use lead a moral life so we can reach our Telos and be with God in Heaven.
Hierarchical Moral Code Aquinas think that moral laws come to use through 4 sources – the top being God’s truth and final purpose for us and the most important Task: Use the text book to research and explain the 4 Laws of the hierarchical moral code. Eternal Law Divine and Church Law Human Reason – Natural Law Human Laws and social structures
Aquinas: Primary Precepts Q: What does primary mean? Q: What is a precept? Q: Why are these precepts deontological rather than teleological. Aquinas believed a humans' natural purpose was to be rational. The SYNDERISIS RULE - TO DO GOOD AND AVOID EVIL is NATURAL to us. We use the Primary Precepts to help use reason to find the moral action. W: Worship God. O: Ordered society. R: Reproduction. L: Learning (Education). D: Defend the innocent.
The Secondary Precepts The secondary precepts are derived from the primary or first precepts. For example: from D: Defend the innocent to “Do not abort a foetus” and “Do not legalise euthanasia”. This is how a person uses the deontological framework set out in the Primary Precepts with reason and logic to figure out what the secondary precepts or day to day guides and laws to morality should be. Once set the precepts can become absolute. Task: Fill in the chart to show how you would work through each of the Primary Precepts creating a list of Secondary Precepts.
Examples of Application Task: Write a paragraph: Natural Law applied to euthanasia. Remember you won’t be able to apply all aspects of WORLD just pick 1 or 2 that link in well and explain a possible secondary precept that people in a community r society could come up with Link in at least one case study that you researched and explain how Natural Law would respond.