Put your name and today’s date on your paper Number from 1-7 Bellwork 8-29-16 Put your name and today’s date on your paper Number from 1-7
1. Two students want to test how the amount of salt on McDonald’s french fries affects the blood pressure of 8th grade boys and girls that eat them. They conduct three trials with 5 boys and 5 girls. On the following day with the same 10 students, they repeat the experiment over, but this time they make sure that the french fries do not have any salt on them at all. What is the control experiment in this situation? a. Doing a completely different experiment about cheeseburgers b. Doing the experiment with extra salt on the french fries c. Doing the experiment with 10 students (5 boys and 5 girls) d. Doing the experiment without any salt on the french fries.
2. A student is constructing a device to make electricity by moving a magnet through a coil of wire. She wants to measure the amount of electricity output from this device. Which tool would enable her to measure the electrical current from this device? a. A digital thermometer b. Protractor c. galvanometer d. spring scale
3. The NASA engineers that designed the rockets that took our astronauts to the moon had to consider the mass of all the material that went into the construction of the rockets. They also had to consider the distance from Earth to the Moon. Which SI (metric) units did they use for the rocket mass and which SI (metric) unit did they use for the distance? a. kilograms for the mass and kilometers for the distance b. pounds for the mass and kilometers for the distance c. Kelvins for the mass and Newtons for the distance d. grams for the mass and meters for the distance
What formula do you use to find the length of an object? A. A=L x W B. None C. V= L x W x H D. D=M/V
What tool do you use to measure Area? Ruler Graduated Cylinder Triple Beam Balance Spring Scale
What formula do you use to measure density? D=L x W D=L x W x H D=M/V D=M x V
What do you measure with a triple beam balance? Mass Force Length Temperature
Pencils down, get out a pen to grade your paper.
1. Two students want to test how the amount of salt on McDonald’s french fries affects the blood pressure of 8th grade boys and girls that eat them. They conduct three trials with 5 boys and 5 girls. On the following day with the same 10 students, they repeat the experiment over, but this time they make sure that the french fries do not have any salt on them at all. What is the control experiment in this situation? a. Doing a completely different experiment about cheeseburgers b. Doing the experiment with extra salt on the french fries c. Doing the experiment with 10 students (5 boys and 5 girls) d. Doing the experiment without any salt on the french fries.
2. A student is constructing a device to make electricity by moving a magnet through a coil of wire. She wants to measure the amount of electricity output from this device. Which tool would enable her to measure the electrical current from this device? a. A digital thermometer b. Protractor c. galvanometer d. spring scale
3. The NASA engineers that designed the rockets that took our astronauts to the moon had to consider the mass of all the material that went into the construction of the rockets. They also had to consider the distance from Earth to the Moon. Which SI (metric) units did they use for the rocket mass and which SI (metric) unit did they use for the distance? a. kilograms for the mass and kilometers for the distance b. pounds for the mass and kilometers for the distance c. Kelvins for the mass and Newtons for the distance d. grams for the mass and meters for the distance
What formula do you use to find the length of an object? A. A=LxW B. None C. V= LxWxH D. D=M/V
What tool do you use to measure Area? Ruler Graduated Cylinder Triple Beam Balance Spring Scale
What formula do you use to measure density? D=L x W D=L x W x H D=M/V D=M x V
What do you measure with a triple beam balance? Mass Force Length Temperature
Area Tool: Ruler Definition: How much surface an object covers. Formula: A= lxw Units: Square meters (m2)
Can I? List the steps to the Engineering Design Process TOC # 10 Engineering Design Notes
What Is Technology Technology refers to the products and processes that are designed to serve our needs. Technology also refers to the tools and methods for creating these products. Technology applies to any product, process, or knowledge that is developed to meet a need.
Engineering is the process of creating technology. Scientists, inventors, business owners, artists, and even students have also engineered new technologies. Anyone can follow the engineering design process to solve a problem or address a need.
How Does Science Relate to Technology? Engineering uses scientific knowledge to develop technologies. Engineers use science and mathematics to create new technologies that serve human needs. There are many different types of engineers who develop a variety of very different products.
What is the Engineering Design Process? The engineering design process has similarities to the scientific process. Like the scientific process, some steps may require repeating or modifying to fit different needs.
Step 1 Ask: Identifying and Researching a Need Engineers define and describe the need or problem they are trying to solve. Research provides engineers with information for problem solving.
Step 2 Imagine: Developing Possible Solutions Brainstorming is the process in which a group of people share ideas quickly to promote additional ideas. Sometimes a possible solution to the problem comes from these ideas or it may take more time and thought.
Step 3 Plan: Making a prototype A prototype is a test model of the product. Prototypes allow engineers to see if their design works the way they expect it to.
Step 4 Create: Testing and Evaluating Prototypes are tested and evaluated. Engineers complete a cost-benefit analysis to make sure that the cost of designing and producing the new product is worth its benefit.
Step 5 Improve: Modifying and Retesting the Solution If a prototype was not successful or did not work well, engineers would either modify their prototype or try a new solution. It is important that the engineers consider what was learned from the first prototype before they begin the design process again.
Communication: Engineers often need to share their successes, failures, and reasoning with others. Engineers may explain and promote the technology to customers, or they may communicate with the public through news releases, advertisements, or journals.
5 Steps to the Engineering design process