Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde Maria Helming Gustavsson, Lecturer in swedish at the University of skövde
SWEDISH CULTURE AND SOCIETY ”Swedish Culture and Society” – 3 hp. Oral Proficiency and Listening Comprehension – 7,5 hp. Text and Grammar – 7,5 hp. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
SWEDISH CULTURE AND SOCIETY COURSE CONTENT Five lectures about introduction and basic facts about geography, culture, society and history. Geography: nature types, places of special interest. Culture: traditions, music and literature. Society: central events that have formed our modern society. History: a basic outline of the early days. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
SWEDISH CULTURE AND SOCIETY Course Literature A Compendium in four parts, for free in Scio, or for sale in the University Shop. No PPT files available in Scio after lecture, due to copyright and the fact that most of the content is taken from the course literature. Instead take notes, and study Course Literature. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
SWEDISH CULTURE AND SOCIETY REGISTRATION Registration necessary at Student service desk, E-building. Registration inquiries to the student registration office. If you are unable to complete the course – important to deregister. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
SWEDISH CULURE AND SOCIETY EXAMINATION Written exam. GRADING SCALE Fail/Pass. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
ORAL PROFICIENCY AND LISTENING COMPREHENSION COURSE CONTENT Absolute beginners course (A1-level). Lectures Basic general phonetics, Swedish phonology and prosody. Oral and listening excercises Basic vocabulary in everyday situations. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
ORAL PROFICIENCY AND LISTENING COMPREHENSION Assignments You will have a weekly homeworks and assignments to do in work-shops in according to the lectures. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
ORAL PROFICIENCY AND LISTENING COMPREHENSION Registration Registration is necessary at the student service desk, E-building. Registration inquiries to the student registration office. If you are unable to complete the course – important to deregister Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
ORAL PROFICIENCY AND LISTENING COMPREHENSION EXAMINATION Listening comprehension exam. Oral exam. Written exam. To pass the whole course all exams must be passed. GRADING SCALE ECTS gradingscale A-F. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
ORAL PROFICIENCY AND LISTENING COMPREHENSION COURSE MATERIAL 1) Compendium: ”Oral Proficiency and Listening Comprehension” in Scio. The Compendium is the main study material, and is found in Scio for free, or at the University Shop for about 60 kr. 2) Information about other study material and course literature will be given at the beginning of the course. There is also a digital version! Ask me for the ISBN number for that one. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
TEXT AND GRAMMAR COURSE CONTENT Beginners course (aproximating A2-level). Lectures: Basic grammar. Reading texts. Oral excercises: Basic vocabulary in everyday situations. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
TEXT AND GRAMMAR REGISTRATON Registration necessary. Register at the student service desk, E-building. Registration and credit inquiries at the student registration office. If you are unable to complete the course – important to deregister. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
TEXT AND GRAMMAR EXAMINATION Oral exam. Written exam. To pass the whole course all exams must be passed. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
Concerning all examinations Remember to register for written exams via Studentportalen, no later than 7 days before the exam takes place. Bring your student ID to the exam. Arrive on time. Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde
Remember: You can register for three Swedish Courses: Swedish Culture and Society, 3 hp. Oral proficiency (learning Swedish), 7,5 hp. Continuation: 3) Text and grammar (continuing to learn Swedish), 7,5 hp WELCOME = VÄLKOMMEN! Introduction Swedish language courses at the university of Skövde