Geographic Obstacles AIM: Evaluate how humans utilized and/or altered their environment to meet their needs.
Task Read the situation you have been assigned. Come up with a solution to the problem based on historical evidence. Create a lesson based on the document that solves your geographic problem.
Step 1 In order to prove that your solution will work you must provide historical evidence that it worked in the past. Consult the document packet on google classroom. Show me which document you think offers the right solution by the end of class. Finding the Evidence
Step 2- 20 Minute Mini-Lesson Create a 15-20 minute lesson based on the document(s) you selected to help you solve your problem. Include: A Google Slideshow with- Background information that relates to your document. Additional visuals - pictures, clips, charts and/or graphs to help explain the contents of the document. A creative five minute assessment. Written Exit Slip, Drawing Activity etc. Step 2- 20 Minute Mini-Lesson
The following should serve as a guide while planning your mini-lesson. Motivation - Students should watch a clip, analyze a visual or be engaged in a recall discussion to familiarize themselves with the content of the document. (5 Mins) 2. Content - Focus on the document(s). -SOAP It Up! (Source, Outside Info, Author, Purpose) -Review student analysis (8-10 mins) 3. Assessment - Check for understanding in a creative way. (5 mins) Item 1 Item 2 39 4 Lesson Plan Outline 29 27 4 5 20 35 The following should serve as a guide while planning your mini-lesson. 22 20min 30min 40min