Lead Practitioner of Maths Catherine Simpson Lead Practitioner of Maths
It is larger than the average-sized secondary school with 1400 on roll and 320 of those in the sixth form. The majority of pupils are from White British backgrounds. The proportion of pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities is below average. The proportion of pupils who have a statement of special educational needs or an education, health and care plan is above average. The school has a specialist provision for pupils with moderate learning difficulties. There are currently 30 pupils using this provision, all of whom are on the school’s roll. The proportion of disadvantaged pupils is below average. Rawlins has over 80 teaching staff and 20 teaching assistants.
Assessing the learning before the lesson: Give a short problem a lesson or two before the one on that topics to assess what they already know, see if there are any existing misconceptions and help you plan the lesson to support that. In order to recognise and evidence the impact of teaching it is important to understand the starting points of students, assess this and then identify how to move them forward.
Assessing the learning within the lesson: Big Questions Odd one out True or False Traffic lights Individual Whiteboards Mark and correct another work by other“students”
We have a whole school policy that each lesson has to take the structure of using a big question and gold, silver, bonze lesson outcomes. To being with when I work with teachers, be they trainees, NQTs or experienced teachers still wanting to improve, we being by thinking about the planning. Within the lesson, what is the objective that you need the students to achieve? We then break that down into outcomes for pupils – how will they demonstrate they have moved towards the objective during the lesson? These outcomes could be support with use of Bloom’s taxonomy, but don’t have to. They could refer to the level of support and scaffolding students will receive/need. The “big question” is a question intended to hook pupils in and intrigue them. At the beginning of the lesson students may not understand it completely, or be able to answer it. During the lesson they explore and practice skills which will support them to answer it by the end of the lesson (or series of lessons). Students successfully answering the bi question at the end of a lesson can be a very clear way to evidence and recognise the impact of the lesson on learning.
5 45 32 75 Which is the odd one out? 5 is the only prime 5 is the only 1 digit number 32 is the only even number 32 cannot be divided by 5 5 doesn’t have 6 factors 32 is not a multiple of 5 75 is the only number over 50 45 is the only multiple of 9 32 can be written as a power of 2 32 75
Expand 5(2y + 3) 10y + 3 13y 10y + 15 25y This is to highlight misconceptions. All the answers given are often seen by students who don’t understand the process of expanding brackets and are not confident with algebra and understand the laws and structures. Don’t be afraid to highlight and talk about the misconceptions. Talk about why are these wrong.
Assessing the learning after the lesson: Question by question analysis of tests Mini topic tests, not just big end of term/year exams A homework revisiting topics a few days or week later Starters in future lessons to recap topics