CMPE 135: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design December 6 Class Meeting Department of Computer Engineering San Jose State University Fall 2018 Instructor: Ron Mak
Presentations Today Titans main.cpp One with the Object Jam
Final Project Submission Your project report should cover the same topics as your oral presentations, in more detail. What is your application? Architecture and technologies? How did you use design principles? How did you use design patterns? Your presentation slides. The code of your app. Due Monday, Dec. 10.
Final Exam Thursday, December 13 It will be similar to the midterm. 12:15 – 2:30 PM in ENG 301 It will be similar to the midterm. Covers the entire semester. Emphasis on the second half. Test on understanding the concepts. It will be given online in Canvas, if I figure out the lockdown browser, otherwise on paper.
Review for the Final Refactoring code Requirements Rick’s music store example Requirements Functional and nonfunctional Use cases Dealing with complexity Class design Where classes come from Class relationships and responsibilities UML diagrams
Review for the Final, cont’d Design principles Cohesion and loose coupling Encapsulate what changes Code to the interface Favor composition over inheritance Law of Demeter Liskov Substitution Principle Open-Closed Principle Immutability Preconditions, post conditions, invariants
Review for the Final, cont’d Design patterns Strategy Observer Factory Method Singleton Facade Adaptor State Iterator
Review for the Final, cont’d The C++ object model Lambda expressions Destructor Copy constructor Vector growth Shallow vs. deep copy “Big Three” Templates Iterators Exceptions
Review for the Final, cont’d The C++ object model, cont’d Overloading vs. overriding Pointers vs. references auto and decltype Smart pointers: unique and shared Move semantics GUI programming wxWidgets Inversion of control Callback functions
Review for the Final, cont’d Multithreaded programming Concurrency vs. parallelism Race condition Shared resources and critical regions Sleep and wakeup Mutexes and mutual exclusion Semaphores and synchronization Pthreads package
Unofficial Field Trip Computer History Museum in Mt. View Provide your own transportation to the museum. Saturday, December 8, 11:30 – closing time Special free admission. We will meet in the lobby. No backpacks. Experience a fully restored IBM 1401 mainframe computer from the early 1960s in operation. Do a self-guided tour of the Revolution exhibit.
Unofficial Field Trip, cont’d IBM 1401 computer, fully restored and operational. A small transistor-based mainframe computer. Extremely popular with small businesses in the late 1950s through the mid 1960s Maximum of 16K bytes of memory 800 card/minute punched card reader (reads holes with wire brushes) 600 line/minute line printer (impact) 6 magnetic tape drives, no disk drives
Unofficial Field Trip, cont’d Information on the IBM 1401: General info: My summer seminar: Restoration:
Unofficial Field Trip, cont’d See the extensive Revolution exhibit! Walk through a timeline of the First 2000 Years of Computing History. Historic computer systems, data processing equipment, and other artifacts. Small theater presentations. Hollerith Census Machine Atanasoff-Berry Computer