15 Years of Inclusive Market Systems Development in Bangladesh KATALYST 15 Years of Inclusive Market Systems Development in Bangladesh 2003-2018 Presented by: GB Banjara General Manager, Katalyst Date: 14 February 2018
Government of Bangladesh Swisscontact in Bangladesh Agri-business for Trade Competitiveness Project (ATC-P) branded as Katalyst A project under the Ministry of Commerce Government of Bangladesh Implemented by Swisscontact in Bangladesh Funded by SDC, UK AID and DANIDA
Contents Context and Background Results And Achievement Katalyst’s Approach Katalyst legacy: what continues? 5. Acknowledgements and Thanks Contents Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
1.Context and Background of the Project Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
Bangladesh ‘Then’ and ‘Now’ 1.1 Context: Bangladesh ‘Then’ and ‘Now’ 2002/2003 2017/2018 GoB had begun liberalization policy in 1990s Role of private sector has become stronger Private sector’s role was recognized; but how to engage with private sector was not clear The collaboration between the public sector and private sector has strengthened 1. Need to aligh all the heading text box in each slide so that they are in same place Low capacity and risk appetite of the Private sector Donor (SDC, DFID) discussions on engaging private sector- BDS to M4P/MSD Transformation of subsistence agriculture towards commercialization is taking place Katalyst was born as one of the first projects to promote inclusive growth through private sector engagement Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
1.2 Background: 3 Phases of Katalyst Duration Phase 1 Mar 2003-Mar 2008 Phase 2 Mar 2008-Mar 2013 Phase 3 March 2014 – March 2018 Donors SDC, DFID, SIDA SDC, DFID, CIDA, EKN SDC, DFID, DANIDA Focus Innovating, testing and proving MSD approach and methodology Reaching greater scale in sectors Further deepening changes in sectors and capitalising the learning 1. Need to aligh all the heading text box in each slide so that they are in same place Budget CHF 32.6 Million CHF 50.6 Million CHF 32 Million Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
1.3 Background: Overall Objective of the Project To contribute to poverty reduction by raising income of poor women and men in rural areas of Bangladesh through inclusive market system’s development approach 1. Need to aligh all the heading text box in each slide so that they are in same place Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
2. Achievements and contributions Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
(374,000 Female beneficiaries) (229,000 Female beneficiaries) 2.1 Achievements and Contributions At the farmers level Achievements Phase 1 – Phase 3 4.75 Million Farmers & SMEs (374,000 Female beneficiaries) USD 729 Million Additional income Achievements Phase 3 1.65 Million Farmers (229,000 Female beneficiaries) USD 294 Million Net Additional income Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
2.2 Achievements and Contributions At the service provider level Application of innovative and inclusive business models Application of innovative and inclusive business models Over 150 private sector Companies Over 10,000 intermediaries (e.g. input retailers, traders) Nationwide expansion of training for retailers by companies Contract farming Certification and safe food initiative Introduction and expansion of quality seed in sectors such as vegetables and maize Introduction and popularisation of high yield variety of fish Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
Innovating and testing inclusive business models 1.4 The overall achievements and Contributions 2.3 Achievements & Contributions At the sector level: Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 1 Expansion of successful business models to reach a greater number of farmers Reaching more rural farmers and anchoring project’s learning experiences in key private and public organizations Innovating and testing inclusive business models Maize Vegetables Fish ICT Vegetables ICT Farmed Fish Media Maize Maize Vegetables Fish Furniture Jute Fertiliser ICT and Media Poultry Agro Export Potato Seed Prawn Women’s Economic Empowerment Furniture Healthcare Rural Distribution Tourism Private sector Plastic Local Agribusiness Network Irrigation Packaging Improved Local Govt. Services Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
2.4 Contributions to the Sectoral Growth A snapshot Katalyst sectors then and now Production in MT 2002/2003 Crop 2016/2017 1.78 Million Fish 3.7 Million Vegetables 4.34 Million 65,000 Maize 2.8 Million Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
Farmed Fish Improving Livelihood through Aquaculture A/V A/V Farmed Fish Improving Livelihood through Aquaculture Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
2.5 Achievements and Contributions At the public sector level Support and capacity development of public sector institutions Regulatory issues e.g. brood fish import guidelines, feed and hatchery laws etc. Anchoring of Project’s knowledge with 14 institutions: examples Revising the extension manual with DAE Embedding cropping pattern and post harvest modules in PKSF Revising curriculum with inclusive business content in 6 universities Anchoring the contract farming model for export with BPC Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
2.6 Project’s Activities: Key Knowledge Anchoring Partners
Contributions to Inclusive development practices 2.7 Achievements and Contributions At the level of development sector community Contributions to Inclusive development practices Contribution to national and global discourse on market systems development E.g. Sector analysis, systemic change, Poverty Profiling tool (PPI), DCED standard for result measurement Over 250 practitioners working in Bangladesh and 30 outside of Bangladesh Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
3. Project’s Approach and Activities Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
3.1 Project’s Approach: Market Systems Development Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida Ministry of Commerce, GOB
3.2 Project’s Approach: Selecting Sectors Is there growth potential in the sector ? Can Poor benefit ? Is it feasible to invest and sustain the results? Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
(larger companies & SMEs) Public sector institutions and BMOs 3.3 Approach: Key Partners of Project Key implementing partners Private sector (larger companies & SMEs) Public sector institutions and BMOs Improved services & Products Improved service delivery and policy/ regulatory improvement Anchoring of project’s learning and experiences Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
4. Katalyst legacy: what continues? Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
4.1 Katalyst legacy: What continues? Business models with Private Sector are widely applied Experiences anchored within public sector institutions and academia Project’s experiences have been widely documented Staff (current and past) will continue propagating project’s learning Documents (e.g. case studies, audio visuals) are available in katalyst.com.bd Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
4.2 Knowledge Sharing “Katalyst experience of market system development: A framework engaging with public sector institutions” “Leaving a Legacy: How Katalyst has captured its learning and anchored its experiences in Bangladesh” “Katalyst Experience of engaging with small and medium sized private sector service providers in Bangladesh” Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida
4. Acknowledgements and Thanks to Ministry of Commerce Our funding agencies Business Promotion Council Katalyst facilitating partners Private sector partner companies Public sector institutions Swisscontact colleagues Former Katalyst colleagues And not the least, very passionate and self motivated Katalyst staff Katalyst Funded by the UK Government, SDC and Danida