Identify this media text. What type of media text is this? How do you know what this text is? Identify the conventions that tell you that this is a particular media text. What makes this text unconventional? In other words, what makes this media text unlike the ones that you may see in the line up to pay for your groceries in a supermarket?
Media; Text; Conventions; What social issues should Canadians be aware of and discussing with each other? On Thursday and Friday, we have the computer lab. You will be working on your presentations. Your presentations will be on Tuesday, June 16th. It’s very difficult to sign-out the computer lab, so you should be here on Thursday and Friday. To know what an issue is. To understand what social issues are in Canada today. To be able to start planning your ideas around an social and how you will present that issue to the class. Media; Text; Conventions; Issue; Social Issue
Media; Text; Conventions; To know what an issue is. To understand what social issues are in Canada today. What is a media text? How do you know this? What makes this text unique? *on the first slide Why is homelessness an issue? What is an issue? What is a social issue? Let’s go over your assignment. In your groups, I want you to discuss what issues we are facing in Canada. Media; Text; Conventions; Issue; Social Issue
What types of magazines do you read? Can you identify the conventions of magazines?
The Test is Tomorrow! Extension: Let’s go through the test that you have tomorrow. What do you want to do? Do you want to practice a cover letter as a team? Consolidation (by the end of the lesson): Do you have an issue?