Outlook Basics
Profile Required In order to use Outlook, you need a profile configured on the local machine.
Creating an Outlook Profile To begin, right click on the Outlook icon located on your desktop
Creating the Profile From the drop-down menu select Properties
Creating the Profile Click Show Profiles…
Creating the Profile Click Add…
Creating the Profile Type your Profile Name: and click OK; this name is not case-sensitive but your password is.
Creating the Profile Add a new e-mail account and Click Next >
Creating the Profile Make sure Microsoft Exchange Server is selected, then click Next >
Profiles For Microsoft Exchange Server: type in sccdmail.sccd.ctc.edu
Profiles Uncheck Use Cached Exchange Mode
Profiles Type in your User Name and click More Settings…
Profiles Click Cancel
Profiles Click the Security tab, then use the drop-down arrow to change the Logon network security: setting
Profiles Change the Logon network security: setting to Password Authentication (NTLM), then click Apply & OK
Profiles Click Check Name
Profiles Fill in the following fields: Then click OK User Name: nscc-ot Password: ********* Domain Name: sccd Then click OK
Profiles When the entered text is underlined you have authenticated to the Server, click Next >
Profiles Success is yours! Click Finish.
Profiles Once you have clicked Finish, you are taken back to the Mail window.
Profiles Now select Always use this profile and change username from the drop-down list.
Profiles Double-click the Outlook icon on your Desktop OR Single-click the icon in your Quick Launch at the bottom of your screen.
Profiles Fill in the following fields: User Name: nscc-ot Password: ********* Domain Name: sccd Then click OK
Status bar will show the total # of e-mails, the Inbox will show the # of unopened e-mails
Viewing Outlook By default, Outlook opens in three panes
Viewing Outlook If you see Mail above the first pane you will not be able to view or access the Public Folders
Viewing Outlook If you are unable to view the Public Folders, then you need to click on the Folder List
Viewing Outlook The Navigation Pane expands and contracts depending on the number of Folders
Outlook Maintenance Keep your Mailbox under the Exchange Server size quota: Once you delete e-mails, you then need to delete your Deleted Items Also, keep an eye on your Sent Items
Outlook Maintenance When you delete e-mail, it still sits in your Deleted Items folder until you empty it; this mail counts against your Inbox quota.
Outlook Maintenance Sent Items also count against your Inbox quota
Personal Folder Creation Because the Exchange server has limited storage space, it is a good idea to set up a Personal Folder (.pst) file for e-mails that you may want to keep for future reference.
Personal Folder Creation From the File menu, follow New to Outlook Data File…
Personal Folder Creation The type of storage should be compatible with previous versions of Outlook, click OK
Personal Folder Creation Navigate to your I:\ drive and name your .pst something meaningful, then click ok.
Personal Folder Creation The name you assign to your .pst is how it will show up in the Folder List, click OK
Personal Folder Creation You are now ready to drag e-mail to your newly created folder.
Personal Folder Creation This is how the file icon will look, once created.
Outlook Calendar
Outlook Calendar
Outlook Calendar Click on Open a Shared Calendar
Outlook Calendar If you don’t know the name of the calendar, click on the Name… box to bring up the Global Address Book
Outlook Calendar
Outlook Calendar Go to Tools > Options > Preferences and click on Calendar Options to change the color of Calendars
Outlook Calendar To share your Calendar, click on Share My Calendar
Outlook Calendar Calendar Properties is where you set permission levels.
Outlook Calendar There are different permission levels to set for different purposes
Outlook Calendar Permissions
Outlook Calendar To remove Permissions, click Folder List, right-click the folder you want, click Sharing from the shortcut menu. Click the Permissions tab. In the Name box, click the name of the person you want to remove sharing permission for. Click Remove. Note: To temporarily suspend permissions to a user, change the permissions to None. This does not remove the user from the list and allows you to quickly reinstate permissions at a later time.
Outlook Contacts
Outlook Contacts
Outlook Contacts
Outlook Contacts
Outlook Contacts It’s easy to add a Contact. With an e-mail open, right-click on who it’s from and select Add to Contacts
Outlook Contacts
Contacts vs. Personal Address Book If you are still using a Personal Address Book (.pab), your Contacts are not being backed up to the Exchange Server. The following slide will show you how to find out.
Personal Address Book Importing If you would like your Personal Address Book imported into Contacts, please make a service request via the Call Center x3630 or pull up a browser and type http://help
Outlook Signatures Tools > Options Mail Format Signatures…
Outlook Signatures
Outlook Signatures You may experience a slight delay in the creation of your .sig file; if this happens pause a moment…
Outlook Signatures
Outlook Signatures
Recover Deleted Items
Recover Deleted Items
Changing Your Password
Changing Your Password Once you have started Outlook, before entering logon information, click on Change Password…
Changing Your Password Exchange Server: information is entered by default, enter other information as seen below.
Managing Outlook Views The Tool icons that are displayed change depending on the type of folder you have selected. Outlook Today is capable of acting as a control center. Each Outlook Item has several different ways to display the data contained within that folder.
Managing Outlook Views
Managing Outlook Views
Managing Outlook Views
Basic E-mail Management To summarize: Outlook Profile creation Personal Folder creation Calendar Management Signature creation Recovering Deleted Items Differences between Contacts and PABs Views within the Outlook folders Lastly, any questions or basic requests regarding Outlook, feel free to ask.
Thank you all for coming today Thank you all for coming today. If you have any ideas or requests for our next workshop; the next one is Today @ 2PM. Mark your Calendar!