The knowledge of his will PRAYER : Paul’s prayer for the church at Colossae The knowledge of his will
Connections Written by Paul almost 2,000 years ago in Rome Today, now in our time, we begin to see connections, the people involved and the underlying personal reasons for Paul’s writing, even though he hadn’t been to Colossae himself. It is not just a story of the early church but a part of our story, as we are the result of what Paul and Philemon, Epaphras, Onesimus and Tychicus started. What Paul prays for those early Christians has as much relevance for us today, as it did for the Colossians back then.
How does Paul pray? Constantly – not stopping! Devotedly (Colossians 4:2) We must all realise that prayer, although a privilege to be able to talk to our creator directly is also a discipline which if we get right will only cause us more conflict.
Why does Paul pray? Paul prays because he is thankful that God’s grace is apparent in Colossae and bearing fruit. Paul prays that those who had understood that they fell short of God’s glory and were justified freely by his grace through faith in Christ’s sacrifice, would maintain and grow in this understanding.
What does Paul pray? That God would fill them with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding so that they may: Live a life worthy of the Lord Please him in every way Bear fruit in every good work Grow in the knowledge of God And be strengthened with all power So that they might have: Great endurance and patience and Joyfully give thanks to the Father for the everyday business of living in a complex world