Measurement of the Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Inclusive Jet Production at STAR Katarzyna Kowalik (LBNL) For the STAR Collaboration Moriond 2007, March 17 – 24, La Thuile Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR Nucleon Spin Spin of the nucleon is made of : Orbital momentum Quarks carry only small fraction of the nucleon spin ~ 25% Gluons contribution – not well constrain by inclusive DIS, sensitivity only indirectly via Q2 evolution of g1(x,Q2) in NLO QCD Alternative Methods : Semi-Inclusive DIS Polarized proton-proton collisions Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
Inclusive Jet Production in Proton-Proton Collisions Main objective : constrains gluon polarization in the proton Several processes contribute to inclusive jet production qg and gg scattering dominate polarized partonic cross section B.Jager,M.Stratmann,W.Vogelsang,Phys.Rev.D70,034010,2004 Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
Jet Asymmetry Large partonic asymmetries for qg and gg at mid-rapidity (=90) Experimentally measured : with partonic asymmetry : Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
How to Measure ALL in pp collider ? Collide polarized proton beams at √s =200GeV at RHIC: Yellow (Y) and Blue (B) The experimentally measured quantity is double-spin asymmetry : Requires different measurements : Beam Polarization (P) determined by RHIC Polarimeter Spin dependent yields (N) – the number of reconstructed jets Relative Luminosities (R) between different spin configurations STAR detector Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
STAR Detector at RHIC Large acceptance unique for jet reconstruction at RHIC Main subsystems in 2003-2005 jet analysis: Time Projection Chamber (-1<η< 1) Charged particle tracking EM Barrel calorimeter ( 0 < η < 1) Detect high energy , e and 0 Jet Triggering BBC Counters (3.4<<5 ) used for: Beam Collision Trigger ( Minimum Bias ) Relative Luminosities measurements Local polarimetry BBC West BBC East X IR Bottom Left Right Top Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
Jet Triggers High Tower: HT1 (HT2) Trigger Efficiency from MC Simulations High Tower: HT1 (HT2) Signal in at least one tower of size (ΔηxΔφ) = (0.05 x 0.05) Jet Patch: JP1 (JP2) – new in 2005 Signal in one trigger patch of size (ΔηxΔφ) = (1.0 x 1.0) Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR Jet Reconstruction Midpoint cone algorithm* Use TPC tracks pT and BEMC energy deposits Cone radius R=0.4 in η and Ф Data detector Dijet Event particle parton *(hep-ex/0005012) Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR First Results: 2003+2004 Data Published Phys.Rev.Lett.97, 2006 Curves are theory predictions based on DIS parameterizations of ΔG: B.Jager et al,Phys.Rev.D70,034010,2004 NLO QCD: hep-ph/0404057 (Jager et al.) Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR 2005 STAR Jet ALL vs 2003/2004 2005 sampled luminosity ~3.0pb-1 - factor ~10 bigger than 2003+2004 data After run selection 1.6pb-1 P Beam ~50% compared to 30-45% in 2003 -2004 Results agree within statistical uncertainties Extend reach in pT with Jet Patch Trigger in 2005 Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
2005 Result Inclusive Jet ALL STAR PRELIMINARY 2 fit to curves: (stat+syst error in quadrature) GRSV-STD: 1.1 G = G: 12 G = 0: 0.7 G = -G: 1.4 Rules out maximum positive gluon polarization scenario ΔG=GRSV Std ΔG=0 vanishing ΔG=G large positive ΔG=-G large negative 25% beam polarization uncertainty not included Total systematic error ~ 0.008 (STAR) + beam polarization (RHIC) Sources: trigger+reconstruction biases, false asymmetry, residual non-longitudinal effects, relative luminosities, bunch to bunch systematic variations Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR
Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR Summary and Outlook 2005 preliminary results for inclusive jet ALL Factor ~10 bigger sample than 2003+2004 with higher beam polarization Rules out the maximally positive gluon polarization New data for the global QCD analysis to determine pdfs 2006 data: Further improvement in precision Full barrel calorimeter coverage Emphasis on Di-jets and high-pT measurements Analysis has started Future ΔG Measurements: Heavy quark production and prompt photon-jet Katarzyna Kowalik Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetry in Jet Production at STAR