Aim: Identify Achievements Under Suleyman the Lawgiver
Ottoman Empire Reaches its Limits Ottoman Empire didn’t reach peak until reign of Selim’s son (Suleyman I) People called him Suleyman the Lawgiver Conquered important European city of Belgrade in 1521 Ottomans captured Tripoli (coast of North Africa Due to immense naval power 1526, Suleyman advanced into Hungary,Austria, Vienna, Austria, Central Europe, North Africa, and Central Asia Became most powerful monarch on Earth 2
Crowning Achievement Suleyman developed Social Structure Created law code to handle criminal and civil action Changes improved lives of most citizens Developed Devshirme System Sultan’s army drafted boys from conquered Christian territories In accordance with Islamic Law, Ottomans granted freedom of worship to other religious communities Particularly Christians and Jews 3
Ottoman Empire Slowly Declines Ottoman Empire lost ground despite achievements Suleyman kills his ablest son 3rd son (Incompetent) inherits throne Suleyman set pattern for later sultans to gain power Became customary to kill brother and keep nephew as a prisoner Practice produced long line of weak sultans Eventually brought ruin to Empire Ottoman Empire continued to influence the world in the early 20th Century 4