Using EVAAS to Improve Student Performance Jody Cleven Region 4 PD Lead NCDPI
Why should you care about the EVAAS Teacher Value Added Report? Standard 6 – Teachers contribute to the academic success of their students. (Measurable Progress) Standard 4 – Teachers facilitate learning for their students Teachers plan instruction appropriate for their students Use data for short and long range planning Standard 5 – Teachers reflect on their practice. Teacher analyze student learning. But the report is not just an evaluation component. It is also a powerful tool for improving your effectiveness as an educator. So why else should you care?
Standard 6 for Teachers Teachers contribute to the academic success of students. The work of the teacher results in acceptable, measurable progress for students based on established performance expectations using appropriate data to demonstrate growth.
NC Standards for School Executives Standard 2: Instructional Leadership Focuses his or her own and others’ attention persistently and publicly on learning and teaching by initiating and guiding conversations about instruction and student learning that are oriented towards high expectations and concrete goals; Creates processes for collecting and using student test data and other formative data from other sources for the improvement of instruction Ensures that there is an appropriate and logical alignment between the curriculum of the school and the state’s accountability program But also relates to Standard 3 Cultural Leadership – fair and consistent evaluations of teachers, provides for differentiated pd according to teachers’ needs, etc. And to Standard 7 Micropolitical Leadership – allocation of resources, communication within the school.
Standard 8 for School Executives Academic Achievement Leadership School executives will contribute to the academic success of students. The work of the school executive will result in acceptable, measurable progress for students based on established performance expectations using appropriate data to demonstrate growth.
Benefits for Administrators Gain a consolidated view of student progress and teacher effectiveness, as well as the impact of instruction and performance. Bring clarity to strategic planning and function as a catalyst for conversations that must take place to ensure that all students reach their potential. Understand and leverage the strengths of effective teachers. Use the valuable resource of effective teaching to benefit as many students as possible. ) Often in middle schools, we test students by homeroom, and when our data returns, we must, at the school level, redistribute the students to align with the teacher that taught those students. EVAAS, however, is sophisticated enough to put kids in the classes where they belong because it pulls the student assignment from NCWISE. If the school’s NCWISE data is correct, the student will be properly placed with the appropriate teacher for each course. Talk about working with Kim to pull prediction data and used it in data conversations with every single EOC teacher. She provided each teacher with this information. Planning and discussion sessions. Used data in scheduling as well.
Why should you care about your EVAAS Teacher Value Added Report? You care about your students.
High-Achieving Students and Progress All schools in Pennsylvania in 2011 - Math students in grades 4 through 8. This scatterplot shows that it does not matter what a student’s entering achievement is, all students can grow. Our high achieving students are showing growth just like our low achieving students. Growth is not correlated to demographics or entering achievement. Growth is only dependent on what happens in the classroom during that school year. Districts, schools, and teachers that serve high achieving students can make excellent progress, just as easily as those that serve low achieving students.
All Students Can Grow!! The previous scatterplot shows that it does not matter what a student’s entering achievement is, all students can grow. Our high achieving students are showing growth just like our low achieving students. Growth is not correlated to demographics or entering achievement. Growth is only dependent on what happens in the classroom during that school year.
Achievement vs. Progress By concentrating on the progress students make, EVAAS puts the emphasis on something educators are responsible for and can do something about. Average progress (one year of academic gain) is the minimum expectation. In other words, it is expected that students will not lose ground, relative to their peers, in the course of the year.
EVAAS Teacher Value Added Report The teacher estimate is the combined value added for all this teacher’s students. The teacher estimate is used to show how that group of students did with this teacher. It is not accurate to compare teachers using the teacher estimate. Every class is different and therefore the accuracy of the data is different. To be able to compare teachers, the teacher estimate must be divided by the standard error. The teacher index is how we can compare teachers due to the standard error be taken into consideration. If the teacher index is between ±2.0, this teacher Meets Expected Growth. If the teacher index is NOT between ±2.0, this teacher is significantly different from the average in the state. To access teacher diagnostic, click on the teacher estimate hyperlink.
Effectiveness Categories State Growth Standard/State Average = 0.0 Standard Error = a measure of uncertainty Usually, the more data you have, the smaller the standard error. Index = Teacher Estimate divided by its Standard Error Index is 2 or higher Index is equal to or greater than a -2 but less than +2 0.0 Index is less than -2 Copyright © 2010, SAS Institute Inc. All rights reserved.
EVAAS Teacher Value Added Report Supplemental Information Table The Supplemental Information Table is on the teacher report when that teacher report is for a test using the URM, predictive model.
EVAAS Teacher Diagnostic Report Tertiles are groups of this teacher’s students who are predicted to be in the 1st through 3rd thirds in the state. Number of students in each Tertile
EVAAS Teacher Diagnostic Report Reference line is the expected average year’s worth of growth for that year in NC. Recalculated every year.
Bars The blue bars are the mean growth for each Tertile. If the blue bar is above or below the reference line enough that the Red Whisker does not touch, that is a point to focus on.
Whisker If the Red Whisker crosses or touches the reference line, that is Expected Growth. The Red Whiskers represents 1 standard error for that Tertile.
EVAAS Teacher Diagnostic Report In the future EVAAS will have previous years that will be gold bars next to the blue bars. The data will also appear in the chart.
EVAAS Teacher Diagnostic Report Which Tertile is this teacher successful with? Which Tertile is this teacher Meeting Expected Growth? Which Tertile is this teacher needing more support?