Vocab Words Week 3 Mr. Matzka
telephony (noun) the art or process of communicating by telephone cc word list 3 telephony (noun) the art or process of communicating by telephone CC word list 3
triumvir (noun) one of three men working together in public office or authority CC word list 3
venerate (verb) to regard or treat with reverence or respect CC word list 3
abbess (noun) the lady superior of a nunnery CC word list 3
aeronautics (noun) the art or practice of flying aircraft CC word list 3
anode (noun) the terminal by which a current enters an electrolytic cell, battery, etc. CC word list 3
assonate (verb) to correspond in sound, especially vowel sound CC word list 3
bibulous (adj) fond of drinking CC word list 3
cantonment (noun) the part of the town or district in which the troops are quartered CC word list 3
commodity (noun) something that is bought and sold CC word list 3
contingent (adj) dependent on something not yet certain CC word list 3
dissemble (verb) to hide under a false appearance CC word list 3
egress (noun) any place of exit CC word list 3
eugenic (adj) relating to the development and improvement of race CC word list 3
fatuous (adjective) idiotic CC word list 3