Updated Oil & Gas Emissions Projections for 2023 and 2028 Aug. 11, 2016
Background Information 110 SIPs for the 2015 ozone NAAQS are due from states in October 2018 Regional Haze SIPs are due from states in 2018 or 2021 EPA is planning to conduct near-term air quality modeling to provide information which the states can use to inform the development of these SIPs Ozone contribution modeling for a 2023 projection year, the attainment date for moderate ozone nonattainment areas PM source sector contribution modeling for a 2028 projection year, the regional haze glide path target date Results of these model applications are expected to be provided by EPA to the states later this year
Summary: Oil and Gas Projections for year 2023 & 2028 Factors will be for each Supply Region Proceeding with AEO2016 reference case and with MJO/state feedback EPA reviewing available/appropriate control factors to apply for 2023 & 2028