Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz By Jennifer Chlam and Nora Scahel
Leibniz (1646-1716) German philosopher and mathematician His father was a professor of philosophy at the University of Leipzig Latin and Greek studies Sent on a diplomatic mission to Paris by the Elector of Mainz Center of learning Met mentor Christiaan Huygens Father died at age 6. mother died at age 18. He was raised Lutheran. Father’s library and books. Cared more for philosophy than math, and had a poor math background. He made most of his mathematical discoveries during his four year stay in Paris.
Stepped Reckoner First Calculating machine that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide (1673) stepped-drum design Became the basis of successful calculator designs for 275 years. It enabled a single gear to represent any digit from 0 to 9 in just one revolution
Integrals and Calculus He invented the notation for the Integral that we use today He discovered calculus at the same time Newton did Product Rule, also known as Leibniz’s Rule
Binary Number System System based on powers of two Two digits are used 0 is false, and 1 is true Theoretical calculator with tubes and marbles using Binary.