Unit 2: Westward Expansion 9.27.18
8 Things You May Not Know About the Louisiana Purchase Read & summarize each of the 8 things in your notebook 1st & 4th periods did not start
Chapter 8 (p.79) Notes in your notebook; notes guide to help you Please let me know if you don’t understand something! Notes are due on Thursday, 10/11
Picture Sort In your groups: Put the pictures in the order you think they occurred
Whiskey Rebellion 1791
Invention of the Cotton Gin - 1794
Louisiana Purchase 1803
Lewis & Clark Expedition 1804
War of 1812
Factory System - 1814
Indian Removal Act 1838
Trail of Tears - 1838
Oregon Trail 1840-1860
Mexican-American War 1846
Seneca Falls Convention 1848