Title Your Notes TP-DASTT
TP-DASTT is an acronym used for analyzing poetry
The “T” in TP-DASTT Stands for “Title” T=Title
“The Singing Butler” is the title of a well-known painting “The Singing Butler” is the title of a well-known painting. Write down what you think this painting will be about based on the title without merely copying the title.
The “P” in TP-DASTT Stands for “Paraphrase” In a couple of sentences describe what is happening in this picture (picture #1) The “P” in TP-DASTT Stands for “Paraphrase” P=Paraphrase
Now paraphrase picture #2
Finally, paraphrase picture #3
Now look carefully at the DEVICES D= Devices
A=Attitude What is the tone? quizzical-odd, eccentric, amusing ribald-offensive in speech or gesture reverent-treating a subject with honor and respect ridiculing-slightly contemptuous banter; making fun of reflective-illustrating innermost thoughts and emotions sarcastic-sneering, caustic sardonic-scornfully and bitterly sarcastic satiric-ridiculing to show weakness in order to make a point, teach sincere-without deceit or pretense; genuine solemn-deeply earnest, tending toward sad reflection sanguineous -optimistic, cheerful whimsical-odd, strange, fantastic; fun jovial-happy lyrical-expressing a poet’s inner feelings; emotional; full of images; song-like matter-of-fact--accepting of conditions; not fanciful or emotional mocking-treating with contempt or ridicule morose-gloomy, sullen, surly, despondent malicious-purposely hurtful objective-an unbiased view-able to leave personal judgments aside optimistic-hopeful, cheerful obsequious-polite and obedient in order to gain something patronizing-air of condescension pessimistic-seeing the worst side of things; no hope
Are there shifts in tone, topic, characters Are there shifts in tone, topic, characters? S=Shifts Do you notice any shifts in the between the thirds?
Now that you’ve seen the picture, has the meaning of the title changed Now that you’ve seen the picture, has the meaning of the title changed? T=Title Again
T=THEME What is the overall meaning of the picture/poem? Complete this sentence using a literal meaning then an abstract one: This picture is about __________/____________.
Pictures VS. Poetry PICTURES POETRY Title- Predict what the poem is about Paraphrase- Put each sentence or stanza into your own words Devices- Look for deeper meaning through figurative language, syntax, symbolism, etc. Attitude- What is the tone? Shifts- Tone, topic, speaker. Look for key words like, but, yet Title- Re-examine the title Theme- What is the overall meaning of the poem? Title- Predict what the picture will be about Paraphrase-Break Picture into segments Devices- Look at techniques like shadowing, rule of thirds, etc. Attitude-What is the tone? Shifts- Tone, topic, characters Title- Re-examine the title Theme- What is the overall meaning of the picture?
T = title P = paraphrase D = details/devices A = attitude S = shifts T = title again T = Theme – literal/abstract