We’ve Flipped for Common Core "If you are teaching today the same way you were teaching 10 years ago, you're guilty of educational malpractice." We’ve Flipped for Common Core Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen Lake Placid High School Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
We've "Flipped" for Common Core Why we’re flipping Need more time with students to increase student achievement. Students are not engaged in the traditional “lecture” setting. CCLS Standards for Mathematical Practice all promote a Flipped Classroom model. Students can learn how to appropriately learn tools – including non-traditional math technology. Differentiated instruction possibilities College and Career Readiness Student accountability Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
What the Flipped classroom is NOT… We've "Flipped" for Common Core What the Flipped classroom is NOT… It is NOT a replacement for good teaching. It is NOT watching Khan Academy videos online It is NOT an online course It is NOT an unstructured environment It is NOT students working in isolation "Good teaching cannot be reduced to one technique; good teaching comes from the identity and integrity of the teacher." Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
The Flipped Classroom IS… We've "Flipped" for Common Core The Flipped Classroom IS… a way to increase productive student teacher interactions. An environment where students are responsible for their learning. A classroom where the teacher is not “sage on the stage”, but a “guide on the side”. Absent students do not get left behind. A classroom where students are actively engaged. Differentiated instruction is easy to implement. Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
We've "Flipped" for Common Core Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
We've "Flipped" for Common Core What we are doing … Creating our own video lesson. Students watch the video for homework. Offer supplemental material for lessons. Require nightly writing and discussion. See our students doing the math. Work one-on-one with our students daily Know our students strengths and weaknesses Assign “Must Do”, “Should Do” and “Could Do” problems. (Differentiated Instruction) Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
Our first year with the Flipped Classroom We've "Flipped" for Common Core Our first year with the Flipped Classroom Successes Students Learned Time Management and Organization. Students Learned How to be Successful Eliminated Classroom Behavior Issues Students Became Independent Thinkers Fantastic Administrative Support Increased Communication with Students & Parents Testing Results Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
Our first year with the Flipped Classroom We've "Flipped" for Common Core Our first year with the Flipped Classroom Failures Assumed students knew how to take notes. Students still don’t do homework. Parental Support Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
The Future of our Flipped Classroom We've "Flipped" for Common Core The Future of our Flipped Classroom Note Taking Shorter Videos Math XL More Problem Solving Increased Parent Communication Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
We've "Flipped" for Common Core We are not alone! Elementary School Middle School High School College Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
Our students are becoming … We've "Flipped" for Common Core Our students are becoming … Independent Thinkers & Learners Responsible College & Career Ready Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen
We've "Flipped" for Common Core Questions? Tammy Casey & Robyn Poulsen