Smart CE Marking
What is Smart CE Marking? is the link between the physical product and its DoP in a digital, machine readable format allows designers, processor (contractors), end users, but also authorities accessing and assessing*) the comprehensive information within the DoP in a user friendly, target oriented manner helps designers and processors comply with their documentation duties and reduces the administrative burden*) closes the circle contract planning/design execution*) allows tracing products to the place of their installation*) is the direct link for the manufacturer to his clients*) *) in combination with appropriate digital tools
What else is Smart CE Marking? is not BIM, but it is BIM compatible is beneficial and of use even where BIM is not or and/or is not being used
Check App
Where are we with Smart CE Marking? State of affairs and next steps CPE pilot project has been finalised feasibility has been proven for 5 standards internal XML reference document drafted CEN Work Shop Agreement (CWA) to provide a citable XML reference document is ongoing and will be concluded by summer Implementation into product standards can start after CWA Products standards are generally not yet fit for digitalisation National application rules/standards may need to be taken into consideration
ECSPA has developed a “´check app” And in the mean time? ECSPA has developed a “´check app” To demonstrate that Smart CE Marking is better than “Stupid CE“ and can replace it!
Demo-Check-App Results must be the same independent of the App Should be validated per product at EU level Should be validated per product at national level Possible approach: Separate “check-engines“ which run on selected servers!
Industry Support Needed