Welcome to the Riverside Key Club 10/20/16 Meeting Upcoming Activities/ Opportunities for Hours T-shirt Order Committees
“I pledge, on my honor, to uphold the Objects of Key Club International; to build my home, school and community; to serve my nation and God; and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions”
Any Successful Service Experiences Lately Anyone help at Bingo, Open house? Go to the Rally? We are in this together – motivate each other to participate and find new opportunities for yourselves and the club
Upcoming Opportunities Fun Run this Saturday 7am-10am come meet at the front of the building and cheer runners on/hand out water with DECA October 22nd this Saturday – Volunteers needed at the Village in Leesburg for Habitat for Humanity’s Monster Mash – Email youthunited@loudounhabitat.org to sign up (and would be a great resource for future opportunities) October 24th/25th from 4pm-6pm Join with the National Art Honor Society to make blankets for infants and children – Sign up in the art room 1822 or e-mail ahy990130@gmail.com October 28th – Selden’s Landing needs 5 Volunteers for Bingo (set up, food, clean up, etc) Email Riya or Mrs. Papaleo October 31st – 4:30p-8:30p Potomac Club needs 15 Volunteers for Halloween activities E-mail Riya or Mrs. Papaleo
Fundraiser Who will be available to sell Doughnuts/Donuts in the mornings? Lots of people available Which day to we think we can get the most sold? Monday Mornings? Friday Mornings? Anyone have any ideas/connections? Money will go to buying supplies for drives (like building supply bags for the homeless) and also for club activities to take care of you all
T-Shirt Order Our T-shirt order will be placed, please make sure that you have paid your $15 for membership AND $15 for t-shirt If you would like to make a last minute order Mrs. Papaleo must have all forms and money by end of school tomorrow (when she will place the order) Then proudly wear your t-shirts to any service activities that you can
Key an ear out for next meeting’s location.. November 3rd Next Meeting See you then! Post on Twitter when You do activities
Committees Take time to talk to your Committee Leaders and officially sign up so we can get them up and running Library Animal Shelter Fundraising Homeless Shelter