Establishing a More Active Development Foundation at Coastal Carolina University Prepared By: Courtney Boar English 290- Business Communications
Outline What does CCU need to do to improve? Development Foundations Purpose General Benefits Office of Philanthropy Endowment Funds CEF CAF SHF University Benefits How to become more “active”? Recommendations
What does CCU need to do in order to improve? Establish a more active and visible development foundation
Development Foundations Purpose: Assist in university growth Manage and initiate donor income Collect endowments
Development Foundations General Benefits: Student Financial Aid Teaching Research and Innovation Athletics
Office of Philanthropy at CCU “Our ultimate goal is to enhance the well-being of CCU, to allow our students to grow and prosper in a premier academic institution, to provide needed support to programs and faculty, athletic programs and coaches, and support the University in fulfilling its mission, goal, and master plan”
Endowment Funds Contributions have been made through: Coastal Education Foundation Chanticleer Athletic Foundation Student Housing Foundation
Coastal Education Foundation
Chanticleer Athletic Foundation Purpose: Assist CCU Athletics Fund Scholarships Facilities Salaries Equipment
Student Housing Foundation Purpose: Lease Manage Contract Operate
University Benefits Positive impacts are seen campus wide Maintaining up-to-date technology Providing scholarships Establishing academic programs Establishing clubs and organizations Constructing new facilities
How to Become more “Active” Increase fundraising measures Activate incentives Build strong relationships Enhance the image of CCU Provide effective communication
increasing its acts of promotion I recommend that the best way to activate CCU’s current development association is by… increasing its acts of promotion
References Chanticleer Athletic Foundation. Coastal Carolina University. Retrieved from Coastal Education Foundation. Coastal Carolina University. Retrieved from Facts about college and university endowments. American council on Education, 1-2. Retrieved from http://www.acenet.ed/AM/Template.cfm?section=Home&Template=/CM/ContentDisplay.cfm&CONTENTID=25238= Google Images Rogers, F. (2005). Sources of endowment growth at colleges and universities. Commonfund Institute, 1-15. Retrieved from Student Housing Foundation. Coastal Carolina University. Retrieved from Why give. Coastal Carolina University. Retrieved from