Up until the 1980’s business didn’t really see the need for computers Until Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston created something called “Visicalc” for the Apple II Looks familiar?!
Suddenly, hand written accounts went from being static records… …to interactive documents This was the birth of “modelling” and business (and society as a result) has never been the same!
Key Terms Spreadsheet – A Spreadsheet is a document that stores data in a grid of horizontal rows and vertical columns. Spreadsheets use calculations called “formulas” which allow us to manipulate the data in powerful ways
Key Terms Cell referencing – This is the address given to a cell location on a Spreadsheet. A cell address always starts with a letter followed by a number. E.g. Row Number Column Letter B 2
Cells Cell Selector Formula Bar Rows Columns Worksheet Tabs
A1 E4 D12
Spreadsheet Research What is a spreadsheet? What are spreadsheet formula? What are functions in a spreadsheet? What is a macro? Find out what the following functions do: SUM VLOOKUP / HLOOKUP SUMIF COUNTIF CONCATENATE/CONCAT DATE Extension Task Print screen and label the following on Excel. Column Column Letter Row Row Number Formula bar Cell Cell Reference Worksheet