Special English for Industrial Robot


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Presentation transcript:

Special English for Industrial Robot URL :www.irobot-edu.com Mail :edubot_zhang@126.com

49PARTs Unit01 Introduction of robot Unit02 Introduction of industrial robot Unit03 Types of industrial robots Unit04 ABB robot Unit05 KUKA robot Unit06 YASKAWA robot Unit07 FANUC Robot Unit08 SCARA robot Unit09 Industry application of robot Unit10 New robots Unit11 Intelligent manufacturing and global robot development program Unit12 The outlook for industrial robot 49PARTs

Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 8 SCARA robot Task: Part1 EPSON scara robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot Part3 The structure of scara robot Part4 Applications of scara robot Special English for Industrial Robot Unit 8 SCARA robot URL :www.irobot-edu.com Mail:edubot_zhang@126.com

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YAMAHA is one of the world’s leading makers of SCARA robots. The first YAMAHA robots were SCARA robots. Since the first SCARA robot called "CAME" was produced in 1979, some 30 years of SCARA robot innovations have continually appeared. YK series of YAMAHA SCARA robots, which are the top of rich products series in industry with a totally beltless structure, play out the limit of the level characteristics of multi-joint robot. The following is a brief description of the main models of YK series (the specific parameters of the specifications to YAMAHA officially announced the date).

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YK350TW YK350TW is the omnidirectional type of SCARA Robot, which has 350mm maximum reach, as shown in Figure 8-5. It resolves the shortcomings of previous SCARA and parallel-link robots and offers both superior positioning accuracy and high speed. Featuring a ceiling-mount configuration with a wide arm rotation angle, the YK350TW can access any point within the full 1000 mm downward range. Figure 8-5 YK350TW Robot

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YK150XG YK150XG is a tiny SCARA Robot, which has a 1kg payload capacity, as shown in Figure 8-6. Only this robot has a completely beltless structure in its class. The robot is super-compact, but achieves the overwhelming high-rigidity and high-accuracy. A totally beltless structure was achieved by using a ZR axis direct coupling structure. Figure 8-6 YK150XG Robot

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YK150XG This direct drive structure drastically reduces wasted motion. Additionally, a drastic improvement in maximum speed of YK150XG was made by changing the gear ratio and maximum motor rpm. The cover on the YK150XG, which can be removed from the front or upwards, is separate from the cable so maintenance tasks are easy.

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YK350XG The small size SCARA robot YK350XG with payload capacities of 5kg is suitable for assembly, transfer, pushing work, and sealing of small components, as shown in Figure 8-7. It has a speed reducer directly coupled to the tip of the rotating axis. Figure 8-7 YK350XG Robot

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YK350XG The R axis produces an extremely high allowable inertia moment which delivers high speed operation compared to structures where positioning is usually done by a belt after decelerating. Changing the cable layout made the overall cable height lower than the unit cover. Also, utilizing a motor with a small overall length and extrusion material base yielded the smallest dimensions among equipment in the same class.

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YK550XG YK550XG, a medium type SCARA robot with 500mm maximum reach, has high-accuracy, high-speed, excellent maintenance ability and amazing tolerable moment of inertia, as shown in Figure 8-8. Figure 8-8 YK550XG Robot

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YK550XG It however can automatically set an optimal maximum acceleration and deceleration using the arm status when starting operation and the arm status when ending operation. This capability means that just entering the initial payload will prevent the robot from exceeding tolerance values for motor peak torque and speed reducer allowable peak torque. So full power can be extracted from the motor whenever needed and a high level of acceleration/deceleration maintained.

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YK800XG Large type SCARA robot YK800XG is suitable for assembly and transfer of large objects or heavy objects, as shown in Figure 8-9. The position detector of YK800XG is a resolver. The resolver has a simple yet strong structure using not electronic components or elements and so has great features such as being extremely tough in harsh environments as well as a low breakdown rate. Figure 8-9 YK800XG Robot

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YK800XG The resolver structure has none of the detection problems that occur in other detectors such as optical encoders whose electronic components breakdown or suffer from moisture or oil that sticks to the disk. Moreover, mechanical specifications for both absolute and incremental specifications are common to all controllers so one can switch to either absolute or incremental specifications just by setting a parameter. Also even if the absolute battery is completely worn down, the SCARA can operate on incremental specifications so in the unlikely event of trouble one can feel secure knowing that there will be no need to stop the production line.

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot YK400XR New SCARA robot YK400XR developed by redesigning even mechanical components of conventional models. This SCARA robot gives the high quality and high performance,and yet superior cost performance. The robot with 400mm arm length and payload capacities of 5kg achieves the standard cycle time of 0.45 second, as shown in Figure 8-10. Combined with the new controller RCX340, high function control can be achieved. Figure 8-10 YK400XR Robot

31 Unit 8 SCARA robot Part2 YAMAHA scara robot Vocabulary omnidirectional [ˌɔmnidiˈrekʃənl] adj.全方向的 produce ['proʊ.dus] n.过程管理,产品 resolver [riː'zɒlvə] n.溶剂;[电子] 分解器;下决心者

配套资源 更多资源 书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看) 书 名:工业机器人专业英语 出 版 社:华中科技大学出版社 配套资源 教学视频:海渡学院APP(免费观看) 教学课件:工业机器人教育网(http://college.irobot-edu.com/videoOnline/vid.aspx?s=47) 习 题:联系edubot_zhang@126.com ← 扫一扫微店购书: 九大系列教材 最新出版上架信息 更多资源 网址:www.irobot-edu.com 邮箱:edubot_zhang@126.com 源自哈尔滨工业大学 专注工业机器人教育

E-mail : edubot@hitrobotgroup.com 哈工海渡:www.edubot.cn 海渡学院APP 工业机器人 教育网 专业建设 尹老师:138-1284-1806 喻老师:158-5270-3086 培训服务 俞老师:152-5252-1235 郑老师:187-5513-0658 工业机器人技术交流QQ群: 313623823 E-mail : edubot@hitrobotgroup.com 哈工海渡:www.edubot.cn 海渡学院:www.edubotcoll.com 工业机器人教育网:www. Irobot-edu.com 网址:www.irobot-edu.com 邮箱:edubot_zhang@126.com 源自哈尔滨工业大学 专注工业机器人教育

THANK YOU www.irobot-edu.com edubot_zhang@126.com