OAuth Design Team Call 11th February 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

OAuth Design Team Call 11th February 2013

Security Design Requirements Focus on symmetric key cryptography Use MAC Token spec as a starting point Lifetime of session key = Lifetime of access token Unless the sequence number space wraps Replay protection: Timestamp + [sequence number] Support for TLS channel bindings Integrity protection for data exchange between the client and the resource server, and vice versa. “Flexibility” regarding keyed message digest computation Crypto-Agility: Algorithm indication from Authorization Server to the Client.

Remaining Decisions Key distribution: Three mechanisms presented. Which one should focus on? Key naming: New key identifier (kid) parameter? Allow Client to indicate to which RS is wants to talk to?

DKIM Signature Recap body-hash: is the output from hashing the body, using hash-alg. data-hash: is the output from using the hash-alg algorithm, to hash the header including the DKIM-Signature header, and the body hash. h-headers: is the list of headers to be signed, as specified in the "h" parameter. h= Signed header fields Example: h=Received : From : To : Subject : Date : Message-ID; Alternative: IANA registration for example

Key Distribution Three techniques: Key point: What is MTI? Key Transport “Key Retrieval” Key Agreement Key point: What is MTI?

How RS obtains the Session Key? Option#1: Key Transport

How RS obtains the Session Key? Option#2: “Key Retrieval” Key Request

How RS obtains the Session Key? Option#3: Key Agreement Key Request