quarantine The loners lex Thomas David Yonker Ms Palmer 1-20-16
Introduction The book begins with the main character David, finding out that his girlfriend Hilary, is cheating on him because his mom died and since then he hasn’t been the same. Hilary is at a party with his teammate Sam and he goes and beats up Sam in front of the football team and he has he whole team scared. The next day David and his brother Will are starting back from their summer vacation and they try to avoid Sam which is now the star quarterback, when David fought him he was kicked of and shunned by the team.
Summary When they get to the school David goes to a class room to talk to a teacher and when he encounters the teacher he falls over and dies .Half the school exploded, a canopy covered the school and soldiers kicked down the doors rushing in and telling them that the school is under quarantine due to a virus carried by an escaped teen from the local testing facility. Old and young people die when becoming intact with the teens and David experienced the first few deaths with teachers that he's talking to.
On the left is a drawn picture of will and his brother David with Lucy On the left is a drawn picture of will and his brother David with Lucy. In the book there is a graduation date for all the kids and David said “graduate or die trying”.
Characters and Groups On the left is Will, David's little brother, and on the right is David himself. All the students divided themselves in to groups to determine protection and who is the best. The groups were a based on your appearance and popularity in school. Sluts Pretty ones Freaks Nerds Varsity Geeks Then there are ones that’s not really in a group and they were called scraps until they stood up for David in the Quad when Sam captured him and tried killing him and then David joined the scraps and changed their name to being the loners.
Quotes Graduation was the most important event in a McKinley student’s life. You’d made it through. You’d earned your freedom. And it was an important reminder to everyone else that there was still hope, and that life on the inside wasn’t real life, a point that he was finding harder and harder to remember Graduation is when the person has had the virus and then it is out of the system for good.
SUMMARY As the life go on in the school David and will depart from each other because of a girl named Lucy. Lucy went to summer camp with will and gave him wrong vibes and split David and will up, unitentioly. David got captured by varsity once again and Sam the leader of varsity torcher him until there was an all out war between the sluts and the pretty ones.
Conclusion Varsity ran to protect there food and in that time the loners saved David and ran to a huge hole that they believed that lead to the outside world .David almost made it out when he heard and saw rocks falling from above and it split up David with the loners, Lucy, and will when rock fell and collapse blocking the exit. David continued to run when he reached the outside world he felt relief and he looked towards the school when a loud thud echoed and he saw the quarantine students have knocked down the door and are all escaping but there are no guards there?
Site Page https://www.google.com/search?q=quarantine+the+loners+characters&safe=active&rlz=1C1LENP_enUS577US577&espv=2&biw=1024&bih=732&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwja7Y71k7vKAhUDg4MKHfJVAb0Q_AUIBigB http://janesspoileralert.blogspot.com/2013/07/quarantine-loners-by-lex-thomas.html