I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia Platinum series: best papers on RCC in 2013 Dr. Camillo Porta S.C. di Oncologia Medica I.R.C.C.S. Policlinico San Matteo, Pavia
What I wanted to tell you about … but I can’t The final publication of the COMPARZ trial (already accepted by the NEJM) The final publication of the PISCES trial (revision just submitted to the JCO)
Content of the presentation Therapeutics final results of the AXIS trial TKI-mTORI-TKI or TKI-TKI-mTORI? selection criteria for immunotherapy and its efficacy post-TKIs Prognostic criteria validation of the Heng’s score prognostic factors for survival in Sunitinib-treated patients Translational research Sunitinib Tx and tumor growth
The AXIS trial
AXIS trial final OS results
AXIS trial final OS results: overall patient population
AXIS trial final OS results: other analyses Post Sunitinib Post cytokines
Patient Reported Outcomes AXIS trial results: Patient Reported Outcomes
AXIS trial results: no differences in PROs
Which sequence over 3 lines of treatment?
Few patients receive 3 drugs, but the winner is …
high-dose IL-2 immunotherapy Targeted agents after high-dose IL-2 immunotherapy
High-dose IL-2 immunotherapy: which patients?
High-dose IL-2 immunotherapy after targeted agents Does these results really mean something?
Validation of the Heng’s criteria
Different models compared
And the winner is …
Prognostic factors for survival in Sunitinib treated pts
Prognostic factors for Sunitinib: nihil novo sub solem Motzer RJ et al. BJC 2013
Sunitinib and tumor growth
Is a strong angiogenesis inhibition linked to a rapid tumor progression?
Sunitinib does not alter tumor biology in vivo
Thank You for Your kind attention!!! c.porta@smatteo.pv.it