Credentialed Ministry in the FMCiC


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Presentation transcript:

Credentialed Ministry in the FMCiC Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15

Credentialed Ministry in the FMCiC The process toward credentialed ministry is a journey, marked by significant moments and events along the way. This presentation provides an overview of this process which we call ‘tracking’. This resource should be used along with paragraphs 805-840 from the Manual of the FMCiC. Let the journey begin….

Credentialed Ministry in the FMCiC Both gifts and graces characterize men and women the church ordains and commissions. Gifts are special endowments of ability. Graces are special qualities of character. Both have their source in the enabling Holy Spirit. Although the church must discern who have such endowments, credentialed ministry is always first and foremost an act of God’s calling and appointment.

Credentialed Ministry in the FMCiC Credentialed ministry is both a calling and a profession. It is a calling in that it is a response to a divine summons. It is a profession in that this service is worked out under the direction of the church that sets ministers apart as leaders and requires accountability. (from par. 800 in the Manual of the FMCiC)

Call: Credentialed Ministry Do you sense a call from God for pastoral leadership? If so, then you know the internal dialogue and journey you are already experiencing with God. We also look to other leaders in the local church to discern and confirm that you possess the gifts and graces for credentialed leadership. Finally, we look to the Ministerial Education Guidance and Placement committee (affectionately referred to as MEGaP) to affirm and recommend you for either ordained or commissioned ministry.

Call: Credentialed Ministry This confirmation of call is like a three-legged stool; all legs need to be the same length for the stool to be effective and likewise all three aspects of call need to be present for credentialed ministry. MEGaP Personal Church

Tracking: to Ordained Minister or Commissioned Minister Lay Minister Ministerial Candidate Ordained Minister Commissioned

Overview toward ORDINATION If you are called to pastoral oversight of a local congregation – that is, ministry of Word and Sacrament and Leadership – and are willing to move to minister at different congregations, then tracking for ordained ministry is the way to prepare for that call.

Overview toward ORDINATION The local church first issues a Lay Minister’s License. The Lay Minister is contacted by the Personnel Office, begins tracking by taking some courses, submitting documents and doing some assignments. Then the LM has the first interview with MEGaP to be recommended as a Ministerial Candidate (MC).

Overview toward ORDINATION After becoming a Ministerial Candidate (MC), four years of ministry experience under appointment at a local church plus additional courses are required. During the 4 years, there are at least two MEGaP interviews. Following the final interview and subsequent recommendation by the MEGaP for the MC to be ordained, the recommendation goes to the National Board of Administration (BoA) for final approval. Once approved, the Bishop of the FMCiC will ordain the Ministerial Candidate at the local church at a time that is mutually agreed upon.

Overview toward COMMISSIONED MINISTER If you are called to a specialized ministry at one local church, then tracking for commissioned ministry is the way to prepare for that call.

Overview toward COMMISSIONED MINISTER The local church first issues a Lay Minister’s License. The Lay Minister is contacted by the Personnel Office, begins tracking by taking some courses, submitting documents and doing some assignments. Then the LM has the first interview with MEGaP to be recommended as a Ministerial Candidate (MC).

Overview toward COMMISSIONED MINISTER There is at least one MEGaP interview beyond the MC interview to become a Commissioned Minister. Following the final interview and subsequent recommendation by the MEGaP, the recommendation goes to the National Board of Administration (BoA) for final approval. Once approved, the Bishop or his designate from the FMCiC will commission the MC at the local church at a time that is mutually agreed upon.

Tracking: Lay Minister Ministerial Candidate The Personnel Office “Tracks” all candidates through the required steps Get your “Tracking” started today!

Tracking: Lay Minister Send confirmation of Lay Minister’s License to Personnel Office ( Member at local FM church approved by Official Board to become Lay Minister; See par. 810 in the Manual for requirements and process Complete SHAPE document; MBTi personality type (thru Personnel Office); Family of Origin reflection paper and conversation with a MEGaP member and your spouse (if applicable)

Tracking: Lay Minister Ministerial Candidate Pastor/Official Board recommends Lay Minister for Ministerial Candidate AND appointment at local church as assistant or associate pastor The Personnel Office receives the recommendations

‘Tracking Truths’ This is your tracking. While there are people and resources available to you, what happens in your tracking is a response to you. You need to take responsibility for your own credentialing journey. Ministerial Candidacy is NOT an end point destination; if you are not moving forward in appointment time OR educational courses, you are not actually tracking.

‘Tracking Truths’ Maximum timelines: 7 years to commissioned minister; 10 years to ordained minister MEGaP committee gives one of three possible responses: yes, not yet, no; coming for an interview is not just jumping through a hoop Credentialing does not guarantee employment

Self-awareness / Contextual awareness / Theological awareness Interview 1 The MEGaP committee, a team of 3 lay people and 3 clergy from your geographical region, meets with the candidate for the MC interview when all assignments, courses and paperwork have been received. The lay minister has 3 one-hour interviews on a Saturday in the following areas: Self-awareness / Contextual awareness / Theological awareness MEGaP recommendation: One of three possible responses: yes, not yet, no.

Tracking Lay Minister Ministerial Candidate Ordained Minister Interview 1 Lay Minister Ministerial Candidate Ordained Minister Commissioned Tracking Steps

Tracking: Seeking an Appointment Your lead pastor and/or official board will have already sent the Personnel Office an appointment request for you to become an Assistant or Associate Pastor once you are recommended by MEGaP and approved by BOA to become a Ministerial Candidate. Ministerial experience under appointment is a requirement for tracking; you do not need to be employed full time but you do need to work out with your lead pastor/board what meaningful appointment looks like so that you experience a variety of ministry contexts for skill development.

Self-awareness / Contextual awareness / Theological awareness Interview 2 For Ordained Minister After two years of ministry experience under an appointment at a local FM church, MEGaP meets with the Ministerial Candidate for a mid-term check-in, provided all assignments are completed (including growth areas) and the MC has finished at least one-half of required courses The Ministerial Candidate has 3 one-hour interviews on a Saturday in the following areas: Self-awareness / Contextual awareness / Theological awareness MEGaP recommendation: One of three possible responses: yes, not yet, no

Tracking: Ministerial Candidate Ordained Minister Interview 3 (4 yrs) Interview 2 (2 yrs) Lay Minister Ministerial Candidate Ordained Minister Tracking: Education Tracking: Education Experience

Interview 3 yes, not yet, no For Ordained Minister After a total of four years ministry experience under appointment at a local FM church, plus completed educational requirements and assignments, MEGaP meets with the MC for interviews. The Ministerial Candidate has 3 one-hour interviews on a Saturday in the following areas: Self-awareness / Contextual awareness / Theological awareness MEGaP recommendation: one of three possible responses: yes, not yet, no

Tracking: Ministerial Candidate Ordained Minister Interview 3 (4 yrs) Interview 2 (2 yrs) Lay Minister Ministerial Candidate Ordained Minister Tracking: Education Tracking: Education Experience

Interview 2 - Commissioned Minister After a total of three years ministry experience under appointment at a local FM church, plus completed educational requirements and assignments, MEGaP meets with the MC for interviews. The Ministerial Candidate has 3 one-hour interviews on a Saturday in the following areas: Self-awareness / Contextual awareness / Theological awareness MEGaP recommendation: one of three possible responses: yes, not yet, no

Tracking: Ministerial Candidate Commissioned Minister Tracking: Education Experience Ministerial Candidate Lay Minister Commissioned Minister Tracking Steps Interview 1 Interview 2 (3 yrs)

Ordination or Commissioning Service When you are notified that the BoA has approved the recommendation from MEGaP for ordination or commissioning, contact the Bishop’s office to schedule the service. A Commissioning generally occurs during a worship service while Ordinations are held at a time separate from a worship service

The Free Methodist Church in Canada Personnel Office Once a Lay Minister’s license has been issued, you can get started in tracking by contacting Susan DePlanché-Personnel Office The Free Methodist Church in Canada 289-362-1555 or by email at