Independent And Inquisitive Welcome! Respectful LifE Long Learners Independent And Inquisitive Caring Citizens Happy Achievers
The Great Fire of London Weaving with different textiles Antarctic Ernest Shackleton D&T- Felt penguins
Fire & Ice theme ‘The Egg’ by M.P Robertson Story Writing Explanation of the Life Cycle of an Emperor Penguin Dragon and autumn shape poems
Count in steps of 2, 3 and 5 from zero, and in tens from any number, forwards and backwards Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number Compare and order numbers to 100 and use the >, < and = signs Add and subtract using objects, pictorial representations and mentally a two-digit number and ones, a two-digit number and tens and adding three one-digit numbers
Solve problems with addition and subtraction and apply their increasing knowledge of mental and written methods Recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20 Recognise, find, name and write halves and quarters of shapes and quantities Identify, describe the properties of and sort 2D and 3D shapes Choose and use the appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length / height and read a scale on a thermometer Tell the time – half past, quarter past and quarter to
Daily phonics Phase 1-6 throughout KS1 Phase 5- Year 1 Phase 6- Year 2 Weekly spellings that link to learning
Special tests and booklets May / June Special tests and booklets
1 Maths or 1 Literacy, linked to lesson learning Due Tuesday, given back Wednesday Complete in pencil Topic linked project
Children need to read every night Reading diary handed in every day Reading every day (Mon-Fri) = merit Start new page every week Crucial for all areas of the curriculum
Given on Monday, checked on Friday Full marks = merit Look, say, cover, write, check Sentence for each spelling Put spellings sheets in Out of Lesson Learning folder
Positive behaviour- moon and shooting star Shooting star = merit Negative behaviour- cloud and thunder cloud Thunder cloud = 10 minutes in another class Can move freely throughout day
Navy, black or dark tracksuit bottoms and jumper Uniform named Water bottle in school No toys Wellies and a raincoat in school