Co-Op Teacher ~ Intern Training MSUNER Co-Op Teacher ~ Intern Training
Co-Teaching Model Guidelines Two teachers share the responsibilities of planning, delivering instruction, and assessing skills. Models of Co-Teaching One Teach, One Assist Supplemental Teaching Parallel Teaching Team Teaching Station Teaching Alternative/Differentiated Teaching -Importance of co-teaching in all student teaching situations -You do not relinquish your responsibilities of your classroom, you work together as a team - These are the models that can be used in your classroom- handout
Co-Teaching in Action Here is a short video highlighting the various co-teaching strategies
Collaboration in Co-Teaching Co-plan Co-instruct Plan unit/lesson expectations and materials Actively engage in instruction Determine student groups Share responsibility for all students Determine co-teaching arrangements Vary instructional arrangements Blend expertise Co-Manage: climate and discipline, Teach and reinforce positive behavior Co-Assess: collect student data to inform, review, reflect, and analyze Handout - Planning tips (distribute now) Co-planning and communication is crucial for the co-teaching dynamic to work Have your teacher intern sit in on PLC and planning time- each lesson should involve some sort of co-teaching strategy
Co-Teaching Hand Activity (Handout) At your table discuss how you will address each with your teacher intern (Ex: Take risks and grow: try something new in your classroom that you would not ordinarily do without help (station teaching, painting) (Ex: Establish rapport: Give your teacher intern a “desk” have their name on the door..etc What are your working styles and learning styles and how can you blend them
Provide Specific Feedback Informal Feedback Weekly Sacred Time Provide Specific Feedback based on notes from day Think Aloud Transparency (Handout) Sacred Time - a time when no-one else comes in and you can review planning, questions, expectations, next steps Meeting each week (informal) Notes: What’s going well and areas for improvement be specific- What to focus on next time Specific Feedback (ie. Turn and Talk, model, ask higher-level questions, classroom management)
What does effective feedback look like? Specific, meaningful feedback is: Goal-oriented Transparent Actionable User-friendly Timely Ongoing Consistent Goal-oriented - Feedback is only meaningful if recipients have a clear goal and a tangible plan of action to achieve it. Transparent - Feedback is clear. Use a rubric or otherwise clearly state what is expected. Check for understanding. Actionable - Feedback such as, “That was good” or, “That needs work” is not actionable. Consider whether your feedback provides interns with clear next steps for improvement. User-friendly - Avoid feedback that is overly technical, explicit, or not at the intern’s experience level. Feedback cannot be meaningful if it is overwhelming. Timely- Provide feedback when a lesson is still fresh in the intern’s mind. Ongoing- Providing frequent and ongoing feedback provides greater opportunities for small readjustments and continuous growth. Consistent - For feedback to be meaningful, it can’t be contradictory. This is especially important considering that student interns are being evaluated by multiple people.
Preconference Observation Post Conference Formal Feedback Preconference Observation Post Conference NOTES Preconference - Two days or more prior to formal observation Observation - Using the MSU observation protocol, ensuring consistency between objective and lesson, identifying assessment procedures Follow university rubrics when evaluating teacher intern (rubrics are included in Cooperating Teacher packet) Post conference- Discuss positives and discuss points for growth *Make sure teacher intern in familiar with rubric Post Conference - “Glow and Grow,” be specific with goals and how to meet them, eliciting questions and feedback from student intern-make sure that they reflect on their teaching Handout-Mentoring through questioning
Fishbowl Activity Formal Feedback Work in small groups Present Case Studies (Handout) - Student teacher is struggling with self-confidence and students don’t respect her…. (There are 6 scenarios) Have one person respond Everyone else adds their contributions of ideas
MSU Expectations Clinical I 2 days per week with a minimum of 175 hours Internship begins on the first day for teachers Refer to notes in “Teacher-Intern Packet” Teacher interns begin when cooperating teacher begins, this could mean setting up the class, attending staff meetings, etc. include them from day one so that there is a sense of shared responsibility. Expose teacher intern to various teaching styles during this time and have them reflect on what they have observed in each class
MSU Expectations Clinical I 2 lessons A bulletin board For clinical 1 they will be required to plan and teach 2 lessons and plan and put up one bulletin board. For the two lessons: Preconference - Two days or more prior to formal observation Observation - Using the MSU observation protocol, ensuring consistency between objective and lesson, identifying assessment procedures Follow university rubrics when evaluating teacher intern (rubrics are included in Cooperating Teacher packet) Post conference- Discuss positives and discuss points for growth Post Conference - “Glow and Grow,” be specific with goals and how to meet them, eliciting questions and feedback from student intern
MSU Expectations Clinical I Observations in other classrooms Begin to incorporate co-teaching model Co-operating teacher must register on-line and complete 1 observation rubric at the end of the semester EdTPA expectations Teacher interns will also be required to do observations in other classrooms such as special teachers etc (speech, resource, gifted & talented, etc.) The co-teaching models can be referred to on your hand-out.
MSU Expectations Clinical II Internship begins on the first day for teachers Same hours and expectations as the cooperating teacher MSU Lesson plan for observations District lesson plans for all other lessons No more than 3 absences ~ must report absence to Center of Pedagogy and cooperating teacher ASAP Teacher intern begins first day of school (Ex: Jan. 2 or Aug.27th) They will use MSU format for formal observations and district format when planning with cooperating teacher: Preconference - Two days or more prior to formal observation Observation - Using the MSU observation protocol, ensuring consistency between objective and lesson, identifying assessment procedures Follow university rubrics when evaluating teacher intern (rubrics are included in Cooperating Teacher packet) Post conference- Discuss positives and discuss points for growth
MSU Expectations Clinical II Co-operating teacher must register on-line and complete 3 observation rubrics and a Summarized Record of Student Teaching Use a variety of co-teaching strategies Student interns may not be left alone and cannot be used as a substitute during internship EdTPA expectations
What is edTPA? National Subject-specific Portfolio-based assessment of teaching performance that is completed by student teachers to demonstrate their readiness for a full-time classroom teaching assignment Passing is required for licensure. edTPA - Teacher Performance Assessment 3 - 5 ELA consecutive lessons. (There’s a separate component for math.) The student is responsible for video-taping these lessons and then editing them. There is an edTPA handbook. We cannot be too specific here as the requirements are different according to grade levels and we do not want to give misinformation. Cooperating teachers are not allowed to give feedback. C.T.s can ask probing questions, ie: Have you considered using Bloom’s questioning. Do you have all your materials together?
What does edTPA mean in the classroom? Student must video tape 3-5 consecutive lessons based on one central focus Must obtain permission slips from parents/guardian Editing or critiquing of lesson or video by the cooperating teacher is strictly prohibited. Students who do not get permission can not be videotaped.
EdTPA Expectations See the attached link below and the MSUNER EdTPA powerpoint provided. EdTPA PowerPoint
Things to Remember… Give one/Get one Difficult situations Welcoming teacher intern Procedures/protocol Communication Classroom Management Handout - A Grid with 9 boxes Have everyone count off - for example, #1 will give a difficult situation and get a solution to a difficult situation. Try to find someone from each number.
Click on the folder for copies of all training handouts. Shared Folder Click on the folder for copies of all training handouts.