Sexuality in Films: American Pie, Dangerous Beauty, & The Reader Emily Briggs Final Project (#9) Human Sexuality
Summary: American Pie Four teenage boys encourage one another to loose their virginity (engage in coitus) before their senior prom in late 20th century United States. They encounter social awkwardness, emotional discomfort, and deepen friendships and romantic relationships as they navigate their sexual endeavors.
Summary: Dangerous Beauty A young woman becomes a prostitute in order to gain education and influence in late 16th century Italy, pushing love aside in order to achieve her goals.
Summary: The Reader A teenage boy engages in an emotional and sexual affair with an older woman in mid-20th century Germany. He explores his emotional self and encounters a life-long attachment to the woman.
Sexual Attitudes: Basic Themes Sex as an end Sex as means to an end Sex as emotional enhance-ment
Sex as an End Sexual Attitudes Sex (coitus) is the ultimate goal. Achievement of sex is revered among peers. Failure to achieve sex is considered socially unacceptable Sex is primarily for pleasurable purposes Love is not expected but is not discouraged Sex as an End
American Pie For Jim, Oz, Finch, & Kevin, sex is indeed the ultimate goal. They make a pact to have sex before their prom so they can go to college as “men” (no longer virgins). They view sex as an accomplishment and boast about their encounters. They are not opposed to falling in-love but certainly do not encourage it
Sex as Means to an End Sex is used as a tool to gain something else Sexual Attitudes Sex is used as a tool to gain something else Sex is important but not as much as larger goal Deceit and cunning can be used to accomplish sex for instrumental use Love is not expected or common Sex as Means to an End
Dangerous Beauty Veronica Franco becomes a courtesan in order to gain more freedom, become educated, and secure some influence in society (through the men with whom she has sex). Veronica’s mother helps her to become a sought-after courtesan and is proud of her for using her assets and skills (beauty & youth) to better her overall lot in life. Though her profession is regarded as despicable, other women seek her advice and envy her freedom & knowledge.
Sex as emotional enhance- ment Sexual Attitudes Sex is not main goal Emotional connection is more important than sex Sex is additional and improves emotional connection Sex can be expected and lack of sex can be emotionally stressful Sex as emotional enhance- ment
The Reader Michael Berg meets Hanna Schmitz by chance & they begin an affair based on passion, conversation, & a very powerful love (which is not realized until years after their physical relationship has ended). Michael & Hanna use sex as a way to express their interest in one another. Though they don’t fully realize the effect they have on each other, they appreciate that they seem to understand one another. Hannah enjoys being read to (she is illiterate) & Michael enjoys being able to read to her as it means he gets to spend time with her (he does not know she can’t read). Though their physical affair ceases, there lies a mostly dormant connection between them for the rest of their lives.
Age Differences & Attitudes There have always been affairs between young and old. In some cultures it is normal and in others it is not. These attitudes can change in cultures over time depending on their social rules. In the United States it is not uncommon for a young woman to be with an older man, particularly if he has wealth or social standing. It is less common but not unheard of for a young man to be with an older woman. Throughout history, societal attitudes regarding differences in age were dependent on socioeconomic status, social standing, and necessity to procreate.
Age Differences & Attitudes Paul Finch has sex with his friend’s mom. This is not viewed as “normal” or healthy by his peers or adults. Paul views the older woman as mysterious and experienced (sexually). American Pie
Age Differences & Attitudes Veronica Franco, a high-value prostitute, sleeps with any man who can pay well enough. Some men are much older than she and view her as fresh and desirable. Society sees the age difference as relatively “normal” and expected (though her being a prostitute is considered inappropriate). Veronica is typically disgusted with the older men. Dangerous Beauty
Age Differences & Attitudes Michael Berg has an affair with Hannah Schmitz, an older woman. The age difference is not viewed as “normal” or respectable (though their affair remains secret). Michael finds Hannah sexually appealing and is drawn to her emotionally. The Reader
Conclusion In all 3 films, the characters lives are in some way based around sexuality. Each film, & in fact, each character, provides examples of how sex & sexuality in general can affect a person, couple, friendship, & even a society.