11th Feb 2011, 07:30 pm Lombards, Corscombe Common Lane Meeting 11th Feb 2011, 07:30 pm Lombards, Corscombe 12/01/2019
Agenda 1. Apologies 2. Grants and Sponsorship Strategy 3. Grants and Sponsorship Plan 4. Restoration Cost Estimates Lane Surface Restoration Lane Drainage Restoration Information Boards Picnic site? 5. Candidate Grant Agencies and Sponsors Key Features for Candidates Price to Win Making the Business case 6. Action Plan 12/01/2019
Notice Boards Hardwood £1500 (life 5-7 Years) Aluminium £2000 includes Graphic Design Bespoke Plastic £2500 (Life 10-12 Years) 12/01/2019
Resurfacing Estimates Planings From Council delivered to lane Substrate (track chippings) £30 per tonne = 5m x 5m x 150cm (£600 per 100m) Base (hardcore) Donated for bad areas only Contractors costs at £3000 per 100m of bad section includes equipment Contractors at £1000 per 100m of average section 12/01/2019
Letters refer to map and video references Common Lane Survey – 1 of 2 Surface Ditch/ Pipes Grips Hedges/ Trees Other Notes Priority A V Good Good None B C Average Low D F G H Culvert Bridge Medium I Poor J K V Poor Soft Surface Advice L Ruts High M N Letters refer to map and video references A B C D F G H I J K L M N Common Lane Survey V4 – 30 Sep 2010 Simon Dalton
Letters refer to map and video references Common Lane Survey – 2 of 2 O R Q P S T Surface Ditch/ Pipes Grips Hedges/ Trees Other Notes Priority O V Poor Poor Good Drainage Advice High P Average V Good Low Q R S Medium T U V Hedges W Party W Badger Spoil X Y Z U V X W Y Z Letters refer to map and video references W Party = Working Party Common Lane Survey V4 – 30 Sep 2010 Simon Dalton