November Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health
Success Criteria SWBAT Wed, Nov. 1 Definitions: Quality of life: the degree to which a person lives life to its fullest capacity with enjoyment and reward Journal: p. 42 “Master the Skill of Decision Making” P/R/S: (R) aer (air) Class work: Decision Making – mini poster Homework: Research/HW Asst #4 – Due Wed. (Cure &/or Treatment) KEEP ALL INDEX CARDS Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision-making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates the decision making process.
Success Criteria SWBAT Tues, Nov. 2 Definitions: Quality of life: the degree to which a person lives life to its fullest capacity with enjoyment and reward Journal: p. 42 “Master the Skill of Decision Making” P/R/S: (R) aer (air) Class work: Decision Making – mini poster Homework: Research/HW Asst #4 – Due Wed. (Cure &/or Treatment) KEEP ALL INDEX CARDS Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision-making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates the decision making process.
Success Criteria SWBAT Fri, Nov. 3 Definitions: Realtionship – a connection between people Journal: p. 42 “Master the Skill of Decision Making” P/R/S: (R) meta (beyond) Class work: Decision Making – mini poster Homework: Research/HW Asst #4 – Due Wed. (Cure &/or Treatment) KEEP ALL INDEX CARDS Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision-making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates the decision making process.
Success Criteria SWBAT Fri, Nov. 3 Definitions: NONE Journal: p. 42 “Master the Skill of Decision Making” P/R/S: Class work: Decision Making – mini poster Homework: Research/HW Asst #4 – Due Wed. (Cure &/or Treatment) KEEP ALL INDEX CARDS Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting & decision-making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Students will create a mini poster which demonstrates the decision making process.
Hour Percentage 1st 72.0 2nd 66.7 4th 68.4 5th 71.6 6th 66.8 Tuesday, Nov 6 Hour Percentage 1st 72.0 2nd 66.7 4th 68.4 5th 71.6 6th 66.8
Monday, Nov 6 Learning Target: Definitions: Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting product and services Success Criteria: Identify the “Who,” “What,” “When,” “Why,” and “Evidence Based” of “Think Critically About Information and Services” Definitions: Stress intervention – any action that prevents a stressor from resulting in negative consequence. Journal: Annotate “Think Critically About Information and Services” page 45 P/R/S: -ectomy (S) removal of Class work: Discuss “Think Critically About Information and Services” Homework: HW Asst. #4 “Cure &/or Treatment”
Tuesday, Nov 7 NO SCHOOL Election Day
Wednesday, Nov 8 Learning Target: Definitions: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health (#7) Success Criteria: Identify the characteristics of positive & negative relationships, and analyze their impact on person, family and community. Definitions: Essential Nutrient = six categories of substances from food that nourish the body: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water. Journal: Notes on Surviving High School p. 47 P/R/S: Dis- (P) away Class work: Watch 1st half of “Surviving High School Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It”
Thursday, Nov 9 Learning Target: Definitions: Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family and community health (#7) Success Criteria: Identify the characteristics of positive & negative relationships, and analyze their impact on person, family and community. Definitions: Abstinence – the fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something. Journal: Notes on Surviving High School p. 47 P/R/S: (R) Blast – embryonic; immature cell Class work: Watch 1st half of “Surviving High School Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It”
Success Criteria SWBAT Friday, Nov 10 Learning Target: Students will comprehend concepts related to health promotion and disease prevention Success Criteria SWBAT Explore the Flu “In the News: Definitions: Hepatitis – an inflammation of the liver that can be caused by long-term alcohol abuse. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Super (R) – above Infer (R) - below Class work: Flu Virus “In the News” Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It” Test Next Fri: Std. 6 Goals & Dec-Making
Success Criteria Monday, Nov 13 Learning Target: Definitions: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting and decision-making skills to enhance health (#1) Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication and social skills which enhance social health. (#5) Success Criteria Identity various decisions people make in the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Identify how people communicate in the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Definitions: Obesity – a condition in which one weighs 20 percent more than the recommended weight. Journal: Movie notes P/R/S: Contra (P) -opposite Class work: Movie “Homeless to Harvard” Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It” Test Next Fri: Std. 6 Goals & Dec-Making
“Homeless to Harvard” What are the obstacles in Liz’s life? What decisions does Liz have to make throughout the movie? What was the most crucial decision that Liz had to make? How does Liz communicate with: Her family Her friends
Success Criteria Tuesday, Nov 14 Learning Target: Definitions: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting and decision-making skills to enhance health (#1) Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication and social skills which enhance social health. (#5) Success Criteria Identity various decisions people make in the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Identify how people communicate in the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Definitions: Sedentary: not taking part in a physical activity on a regular basis. Journal: Movie notes P/R/S: -um (S) process of Class work: Movie “Homeless to Harvard” Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It” Test Next Fri: Std. 6 Goals & Dec-Making
Success Criteria Wednesday, Nov 15 Learning Target: Definitions: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting and decision-making skills to enhance health (#1) Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication and social skills which enhance social health. (#5) Success Criteria Identity various decisions people make in the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Identify how people communicate in the movie “Homeless to Harvard” Definitions: Anorexia Nervosa – an eating disorder in which the person refuses to eat because of a fear of weight gain . Journal: Movie notes P/R/S: Gest (R) carry Class work: Movie “Homeless to Harvard” Homework: HW Asst. #6 “10 Statistics” Test Fri: Std. 6 Goals & Dec-Making
Success Criteria Thursday, Nov 16 Learning Target: Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting and decision-making skills to enhance health (#1) Demonstrate effective interpersonal communication and social skills which enhance social health. (#5) Success Criteria Review for Test Annotate & Discuss “Assertive Communication” Definitions: Anorexia Nervosa – an eating disorder in which the person refuses to eat because of a fear of weight gain . Journal: Annotate “Assertive Communication” P/R/S: Gest (R) carry Class work: Test Review Homework: HW Asst. #6 “10 Statistics” Test Fri: Std. 6 Goals & Dec-Making
Friday, Nov 17 Learning Target: Success Criteria SWBAT Students will demonstrate the ability to use goal setting and decision-making skills to enhance health (#6) Success Criteria SWBAT Demonstration knowledge of goal setting and decision making on the test Definitions: Journal: NONE P/R/S: Class work: DEAR Goals & Dec-Making Test Homework: HW Asst. #6 “10 Statistics”