LecturePLUS Timberlake


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Presentation transcript:

LecturePLUS Timberlake Chapter 1 Measurements Prefixes and Equalities LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Metric Prefixes Increase or decrease basic unit by 10 Form new units larger or smaller than the basic units Indicate a numerical value prefix = value 1 kilometer = 1000 meters 1 kilogram = 1000 grams LecturePLUS Timberlake

Prefixes that Increase A Unit Prefix Symbol Value giga- G 1 000 000 000 mega- M 1 000 000 kilo- k 1 000 LecturePLUS Timberlake

Prefixes that Decrease A Unit Prefix Symbol Value deci- d 0.1 centi- c 0.01 milli- m 0.001 micro-  (mu) 0.000 001 nano n 0.000 000 0001 LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Learning Check Match 1) length 2) mass 3) volume ____ A. A bag of tomatoes is 4.6 kg. ____ B. A person is 2.0 m tall. ____ C. A medication contains 0.50 g Aspirin. ____ D. A bottle contains 1.5 L of water. LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Solution Match 1) length 2) mass 3) volume _2 A. A bag of tomatoes is 4.6 kg. _1_ B. A person is 2.0 m tall. _2_ C. A medication contains 0.50 g Aspirin. _3_ D. A bottle contains 1.5 L of water. LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Learning Check Select the unit you would use to measure A. Your height 1) millimeters 2) meters 3) kilometers B. Your mass 1) milligrams 2) grams 3) kilograms C. The distance between two cities 1) millimeters 2) meters 3) kilometers D. The width of an artery LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Solution A. Your height 2) meters B. Your mass 3) kilograms C. The distance between two cities 3) kilometers D. The width of an artery 1) millimeters LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Learning Check Indicate the prefix to use for 1. A mass that is 1000 times greater than 1 gram 1) kilo 2) milli 3) mega 2. A length that is 1/100 of 1 meter? 1) deci 2) centi 3) milli 3. A unit of time that is 1/1000 of a second. 1) nanosecond 2) microsecond 3)millisecond LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Solution 1. 1) kilo 2. 2) centi 3. 3) millisecond LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Equalities State the same measurement in two different units length 10.0 in. 25.4 cm LecturePLUS Timberlake

Some Metric Equalities Length 1 m = 100 cm Mass 1 kg = 1000 g Volume 1 L = 1000 mL LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Learning Check A. 1000 m = 1 ___ 1) mm 2) km 3) dm B. 0.001 g = 1 ___ 1) mg 2) kg 3) dg C. 0.1 L = 1 ___ 1) mL 2) cL 3) dL D. 0.01 m = 1 ___ 1) mm 2) cm 3) dm LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Solution A. 1000 m = 1 ___ 2) km B. 0.001 g = 1 ___ 1) mg C. 0.1 L = 1 ___ 3) dL D. 0.01 m = 1 ___ 2) cm LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Learning Check Give the value of the following units: A. 1 kg = ____ g 1) 10 g 2) 100 g 3) 1000 g B. 1 mm = ____ m 1) 0.001 m 2) 0.01 m 3) 0.1 m LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Solution A. 1 kg = ____ g 3) 1000 g B. 1 mm = ____ m 1) 0.001 m LecturePLUS Timberlake

Some American Equalities 1 ft = inches 1 lb = 16 oz 1 quart = pints 1 quart = 4 cups Why are the quantities in each pair equal? LecturePLUS Timberlake

Some American Equalities 1 ft = 12 inches 1 lb = 16 oz 1 quart = 2 pints 1 quart = 4 cups The quantities in each pair give the same measured amount in two different units. LecturePLUS Timberlake

Some Metric-American Equalities 1 in. = 2.54 cm 1 qt = 946 mL 1 L = 1.06 qt 1 lb = 454 g 1 kg = 2.20 lb Remember these for exams. LecturePLUS Timberlake

Equalities given in a Problem Example 1 At the store, the price of one pound of red peppers is $2.39. Equality: 1 lb red peppers = $2.39 Example 2 At the gas station, one gallon of gas is $1.34. Equality: 1 gallon of gas = $1.34 LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Conversion Factors Fractions in which the numerator and denominator are quantities expressed in an equality between those units Example: 1 in. = 2.54 cm Factors: 1 in. and 2.54 cm 2.54 cm 1 in. LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Learning Check Write conversion factors that relate each of the following pairs of units: A. Liters and mL B. Hours and minutes D. Meters and kilometers LecturePLUS Timberlake

LecturePLUS Timberlake Solution A. quarts and mL 1 L = 1000 mL 1 L and 1000 mL 1000 mL 1 L B. hours and minutes 1 hr = 60 min 1 hr and 60 min 60 min 1 hr C. meters and kilometers 1 km = 1000 m 1 km and 1000 m 1000 m 1 km LecturePLUS Timberlake