School’s SEND Information Exchange April 2018 LOCAL OFFER UPDATE School’s SEND Information Exchange April 2018
Since November’s Exchange
New feature
Post 16 content = tripled and updated
Events attended Go Kids Go!
MARVELLOUS MENCAP Planning for the Future & Leisure and Learn events Info always posted on the Local Offer, FB and Twitter
WIRRAL CHILDMINDERS I attended a Wirral Childminder’s Training event to make them aware of the Local Offer and the SEND provision available across Wirral. Many of them have youngsters with SEND in their care and they felt that the Local Offer would be a useful ally and support them in their delivery of the EYFS curriculum to the children in their care. Parents of these children have been in touch with me and registered their children on the Disability register. They have asked me to attend their next meeting to speak to other Childminders unable to attend the event.
Projects Parenting support Working on a Multi agency project to audit and streamline services available to Parents and increase Parental awareness. Future in mind Looking to broaden and improve Mental Health provision on offer whilst making it more responsive and accessible.
LOCAL OFFER CHAMPIONS Too big a job for one so recruiting Local Offer Champions. Need a named point of contact in each area/service. As SENCOs you are, by default, the go to person for your setting. CAMHS have appointed Kate Burnett and already the content has significantly improved.
New links Department for Work & Pensions Progress Excellence Chamber of Commerce Homestart Daisy & Jake’s Nursery Response The HIVE Merseyside Police
Parent Carer Participation Wirral The Local Offer has been working closely with Wirral’s Parent Carer group. 18 months ago they re-configured under a new name and they are ably led by their Interim Chair Donna Rimmer. I’m delighted that they have sent representatives along today to observe and gain an insight into the partnership work between the LA and schools. I’m grateful to have a Nicky Evans as parent representative working on my Local Offer Development Group. Nicky has a wealth of SEND knowledge and her contribution is invaluable. As a group they are committed to bringing about changes to policies and practice to better support Wirral’s young SEND population. Recently the LA and PCPW have agreed a Memorandum of Understanding, something which has pleased both parties and is reflective of the on-going commitment to working together. PCPW have invited the Local Offer to recent training events; SEND and the law led by IPSEA and Co-production led by Contact.
SEND Panels Requests from SENCOs to play an observer role in SEND Panel Meetings continue to be very popular. All sessions are fully booked for this Academic Year. Dates for 2018/2019 will be sent out to you shortly so just get in touch with me if you’re interested in attending either a primary or secondary panel.
SEND Information Report Please make sure this annual task is on your SENCO to do list. SIR’s should be in place at the start of the Autumn term. Always good practice to review the content to ensure the information is current and reflective of all matters SEND in your school. Remember to change the revised date to let your readers feel confident that they are accessing an up to date document.
‘News’ feature
Numbers are growing but ….
Social Media & the Local Offer Please like Please follow @lowirral
Youth SEND Voice Conference
Here’s what happened.. 80 professionals from Health, Education and Social Care came to listen to the ‘voice’ of a fantastic group of young people I have the privilege to work with at Pilgrim Arts Centre. Before the day, the young people had chosen their top 4 problematic topics to discuss: Independence, Safety, Relationships and Engagement. On the day they performed moving drama pieces to illustrate their feelings. They articulately and passionately conveyed their views and the audience members were hugely impressed and responsive to us working together to address the areas the young people would like our help with. A range of pledges were made on the day and in the 2 months that have passed more offers/suggestions have been made. The young people feel listened to and have a healthy amount of HOPE. Maybe you can help?
2018 dates for your diary JULY Birkenhead Town Hall APRIL JULY ADHD FOUNDATION TRAINING Birkenhead Town Hall Monday 30th from 9am to 3.30pm To book one of the 6 places left please e mail: SEND INFO EXCHANGE Birkenhead Town Hall Tuesday 3rd from 1pm to 3.30pm or Wednesday 4th from 9am to 11.30am