Station 1 Lagoon nutrient concentrations are typically one-tenth of pit nutrient concentrations. Pit nutrients are typically 50-42-30 of N-P2O5-K2O. What is it for Lagoons? What is bulk fertilizer typically?
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 4
Station 5 – Determine Animal Units 17 gallons of manure production per day 1500 @ 1355lbs 1300 @ 827 lbs Haul Twice a year. Does the storage capacity at Station 1 satisfy enough for twice a year haul?
Station 6– Determine Animal Units Manure production = Number of Cattle x Average Weight of Cattle (lb) ÷ 1000 (animal unit) x Daily Manure Prod. x Manure Collection Period (days) + Estimated Percent of Bedding in Manure. Example: You have 10 lactating cows, each with an average weight of 1250 pounds. The animals are on pasture for 5.5 months (mid April through early October). You usually add about 5% bedding to the manure.Total annual collectable manure (without bedding) =
Station 7 – With Bedding Total waste production (with bedding) = Use numbers from previous station: In the above example, nutrient inventory for the farm can be calculated as: N(10) P (5) K (8)
Station 8 Example 8-1. Determining the annual storage volume for manure and bedding. Determine the annual storage volume required for manure and bedding for 100 cows. Compare freestall versus loose housing needs using chopped straw.
Station 9 Total Cows = 675 – weight = 1390lbs Total Hfrs = 576 – weight = 935 lbs Length of Storage = 180 days
Station 10 – Ventilation A mechanical ventilation system should be designed to exchange 50 cubic ft/min (cfm) per 1400-lb cow in winter, 170 cfm/cow in mild weather, and at least 470 cfm/cow in hot weather (Bickert, et al., 2000). Season – Summer 1000 cows – 1400 lbs avg Step One –Let’s say it’s a dairy freestall requiring 22 air changes per hour. Step Two - Calculate the volume of the room (L’xW’xH’). (300’ L, 125’ W, 25’ H. Step Three - Multiply the volume of the freestall by the required air changes. Step Four Divide the answer by 60 minutes per Hour to find the required room CFM: Does the dairy need to increase CFM or Decrease CFM?