The Boys & Girls Club Movement Boys & Girls Club Mission To enable all children and youth, especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens. National Movement 4 million young people served annually 4,000 Club facilities throughout the country and BGCA-affiliated Youth Centers on U.S. military installations worldwide
Boys & Girls Clubs in New Jersey Alliance of 23 Clubs with 73 locations throughout New Jersey 52% of sites are school based 73% are located in urban areas 5 are on military bases 3 are in public housing Serving over 77,000 youth age 5-18 years old each year.
Unique Characteristics of a Boys & Girls Club Clubs are community-based and building-centered. Clubs provide a safe, affordable place for young people during non-school hours and during the summer. Clubs are led by paid, trained youth development professionals.
What Clubs Provide to Youth A safe place to spend time during non-school and the summer A chance to play, have fun, laugh and learn Opportunities to build new skills Ongoing relationships with caring adults and connections to new friends Reinforcing a sense of belonging, personal accountability, and civic responsibility Generation-changing programs that support a commitment to learning, positive values, healthy habits and high expectations for success as an adult.
5 Core Areas of Programming Character & Leadership Development: These programs empower youth to support and influence their community, sustain meaningful relationships, develop a positive self-image, participate in the democratic process and respect diversity. Education & Career Development: These programs enable youth to become proficient in basic educational disciplines, apply learning to everyday situations, and embrace technology. Health & Life Skills: These programs develop young people's capacity to engage in positive behaviors, set personal goals and become self-sufficient adults. Sports, Recreation & Fitness: These programs develop fitness, positive use of leisure time, skills for stress management, appreciation for the environment and social skills. The Arts: These programs enable youth to develop creativity and cultural awareness.
You have the power to impact the lives of the youth you lead. Your Term of Service One day in the life of a child can make a huge impact on her future. One caring adult can create an unbreakable bond with a vulnerable child that will last throughout his lifetime. One Boys & Girls Club can offer hope to an entire neighborhood. You have the power to impact the lives of the youth you lead.! `