By: Dalton Lightner Plant Edification
Sorbus Aucuparia /European Mountain Ash Plant Type: Tree Well-drained Acid or Neutral Loam or Sand Higher than 12 meters Full Sun and Part Shade Native to the UK
Spiraea x bumalda / bumalda spirea Shrub Sun, range of soil types except wet 2 to 3 feet Native to: Japan and China
Syringa Vulgaris Cv. / Common Lilac shrub They don’t like wet conditions 8' to 15' tall Direct Sunlight Native to southern Europe
Tagetes spp. Cv. / marigold Annual 2-3 feet Sunshine Wet conditions Native to North and South America
Taxodium Distichum / bald cypress Tree Full sun grows 50' to 70' tall generally found in wet swampy areas Native to southeastern United States primarily
Taxus spp. And sc./ yew Shrub Native to North America Full sun to shady locations Size varies from 2' to 20'; depending on cultivar prefers well-drained soil
Thuja occidentalis cv./ american arborvitae Tree Prefers moist soils. May not withstand periods of extended drought. 25 - 40 feet Partial to full sun Northeast of the United States and the Southeast of Canada