Greek Root - ERG work
Ergonomics (NOUN) The study of working conditions
Ergomania (NOUN) A passion for work
Latin Root - NAT Birth
Neonate (NOUN) A newborn (specifically within the first 28 days of birth)
Greek Root - THESIS A putting down (as in writing down or putting together) of ideas
(Word) Thesis (NOUN) A proposition put forward to be proved
Antithesis (NOUN) The direct opposite
Latin root - STRUCT Build
CONstruct (NOUN) (please note that it’s the noun and NOT the verb) “an image, idea, or theory, especially a complex one formed from a number of simpler elements”
Restructure (VERB) to organize (a system, business, society, etc) in a different way
Latin Root - LUC light
Lucid (ADJ) Bright or shining
Luminescence (NOUN) Light from non-thermal sources