Ante-natal Health Screening and Neo-natal Health Screening.
Lesson Objectives To know some examples of tests carried out on Pregnant women. To be able to explain why these tests are important.
Ante-natal Ante = Before Natal = Birth
Checks in Pregnancy Weight / Height Urine Tests Blood Tests Blood pressure checks Rhesus disease Anaemia Diabetes
Checks on Unborn baby: Scans / Blood tests Inherited disorders such as Sickle Cell, Thalassemia and other blood disorders. Screening for Down Syndrome.
Laptops Log on and go to website: Read and work through the case study
Neo Natal Screening. Neo = New Natal = Birth
Neonatal Screening What sorts of tests do you think might be carried out on new born babies? Measurements (Weight / Height) Hearing Tests Heel prick blood test.
New Born Heel Prick tests
New-born Screening.
Class Work Task: Complete your Health Screening leaflet from last lesson. Complete your immune system poster.