Reader Response Hope Adams
What is Reader Response? How we react to a piece of literature as we read it through our own lenses, or through different ones in particular Readers determine the meaning of literature Every person reading a piece of literature will interpret it completely differently due to our life choices and upbringing
Questions to ask when using this method How do I feel when I read this piece of literature? Why do I feel this way? How does our Psychology affect the way we read literary texts? How does each of us read differently?
Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak Summary: A little boy named Max was in his wolf costume and got in trouble for being wild by his mom Went to bed without dinner Fell asleep and had a dream where he was the kind of all wild things Had some fun in his dream Woke up
Using Reader Response Made me feel happy that Max had a nice dream and his mother wasn’t that angry with him Kinda weird how he wears a Wolf costume Not sure if there is some Hidden meaning behind this
Using the questions Why did you feel this way? Depending on how old the kid is, it’s abnormal to have him in a wolf suite all the time How does our psychology affect the way we read text? Every person has different experiences, morals, backgrounds, and ways of thinking. Our perspective will impact the way we interpret anything. How does everyone read differently? It comes down to who we are as a person