BELLEVUE POLICE DEPARTMENT Respect, Integrity, Accountability, Service Good afternoon Mayor and Council. The purpose of this presentation is to provide you with information related to the operation of the police department. At the conclusion of my presentation Detective Amanda Jensen and Mr. Mike McCormick – Huentelman will join me as we answer any questions you might have.
Organization Comprised of 180 commissioned staff 44 professional staff Two Divisions-Operations and Support Services with one Deputy Chief running each division
BPD Organizational Chart
Police Service Model Police Department provides crime control through: 24 hour Patrol/response Community Policing Traffic Enforcement & Collision Investigation Criminal Investigation Public Access to Records Property Evidence Retention / Destruction Volunteer program
Police Staffing Model 8 Patrol Squads for 24 hour coverage Traffic unit with Motors & Collision Investigators K-9 Special Enforcement Team Courts / Custody Investigations (violent crimes, property, fraud, forensics) Eastside Narcotics Task Force
Specialized Assignments Special Weapons And Tactics (SWAT) Bomb Unit Hostage Negotiations Team Field Training Officers Firearms Instructors/Defensive Tactics Instructors, Emergency Vehicle Operations Instructors Evidence Technicians Crowd Control Honor Guard
Citizen Satisfaction Bellevue Citizens rated Public Safety the #1 budget priority. 98% of citizens feel safe or very safe walking alone in their neighborhood 94% feel very safe or very safe walking alone downtown after dark Of citizens who have contacted police, 81% gave high marks for the quality of service
As you can see from this bar graph violent crime has been consistent with a 5 year average of 142 violent crimes per year. For clarification, as it pertains to this slide, violent crimes include Homicide, Rape, Robbery and Aggravated Assault. Data AND Trends
Property crimes steadily increased between 2012 and 2014 Property crimes steadily increased between 2012 and 2014. This trend was not unique to Bellevue. Communities across the nation witnessed increases in property crimes. Some suspect it was due to the re-appearance of heroin among drug abusers as well as the illegal prescription drug trade. The most common property crime communities deal with are vehicle prowls. In some case it takes a criminal less than a minute to enter a vehicle, steal property and vanish. Unfortunately, at time the public makes the criminal’s job real easy and as they leave their valuables in plain sight and their vehicle doors unlocked. In the coming months, the Bellevue Police Department will make educating the community on how to avoid becoming a victim priority. Data AND Trends
As you can see, overall we are witnessing a downward trend in violent crimes this year. A year to year comparison reveals total violent crimes have decreased by 20% during this past year for the reporting period January thru June. Data AND Trends
We have also witnessed a decrease in property crimes during this same reporting period. Overall we have witnessed a 6% decrease in property crimes. However, in both cases, the 2-3 year trend has been an increase in both categories. While the numbers are encouraging, I do not want to set a false expectation. The Bellevue Police Department will continue to work hard to reduce crime by working closely with the public, businesses, and, of course, other city departments to drive crime down and then keep it down. Data AND Trends
This is a more focused graph depicting crimes of particular interest to the average citizen. Residential burglaries remained about the same between 2014 and 2015. Commercial burglaries are up a bit; however, motor vehicle prowls are down by 20%. We are also witnessing a reduction in the number of incidents involving vandalism and simple assault. Encouraging numbers, yes, but we are not celebrating yet. Data AND Trends
Data AND Trends Benchmark Cities This slide provides a snapshot of how crime in Bellevue compares to other communities from around the country that are similar in size, demographics or other characteristics. Comparing ourselves to these Benchmark Cities is a great way for the City of Bellevue to determine how we measure up against communities of similar demographics in terms of incidents of crime. As you can see, the issues and challenges we face here in Bellevue are similar to many other communities, and in some cases, we are in better shape comparatively speaking. For clarification purposes, Part 1 crimes include: homicide, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, vehicle theft and arson. Data AND Trends
A little bit closer to home, the information on this graph demonstrates that, as we compare ourselves to several local communities, most of which are significantly smaller in population, in 2014 the City of Bellevue, a small mid-size city, faired well in terms of keeping crime under control. Data AND Trends
Police Department Challenges Diversity Language Cultural Population Growth Density Vertical policing External Factors Destination City (dignitary visits) Mandated Training Technology Recruiting, hiring, and retaining quality staff
Planning for the Future Working Smarter Using Technology to reduce and solve crime Effectively utilizing current resources On-line reporting/Field reporting Attention to details (fixing broken windows) Strategic planning/regional partnerships NORCOM
Planning for the Future Safety Tasers for first responders AEDs in patrol units and at sub-stations Staffing increase to stay ahead of the increased calls for service as city grows Problem solving with community
Planning for the Future Relations Diversity focus Group Employee and customer annual surveys Career growth and succession planning Bellevue Police Foundation Internationally accredited