Experiences of Crime and Attitudes Toward Human Rights in Mexico David Crow División de Estudios Internacionales Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) david.crow@cide.edu Presented at the International Conference “Surveys and Human Rights: Local Reception of International Norms,” CIDE, November 12-13, 2015
Dilemma: Fight Crime or Protect Rights of the Accused? “Los derechos humanos son de los humanos, no de las ratas.” Arturo Montiel, 1999 campaign
Dual Context Rising Crime & HR Violations 100k+ homicides, 25k forced disappearaces since drug war Complaints against Army, Navy, police forces Increased Commitment to Human Rights legal / institutional / rhetorical civil society 2008 criminal justice reform
Research Questions Do people believe that human rights protect criminals? Where are the people who believe this? Does experience of crime (direct or indirect) incline people to believe this?
Data Las Américas y el Mundo (CIDE) / Human Rights Perceptions Polls (UMinn) Mexico (2012, 2014-15) Colombia (2013, 2015); Ecuador (2012, 2014) HRPP (Morocco: 2012; India: 2012-2013; Nigeria: 2014) Data: Mexico 2014-15 N = 2,400 160 municipalities 10-60 Rs in each
Definitions of Human Rights “¿Qué tanto tiene que ver proteger a delincuentes___ con lo que usted entiende por derechos humanos?” Scale of 1-7 1 = “not at all” 7 = “very much” Liberal “protecting people from torture and murder” “promoting social and economic justice” “promoting free and fair elections” Skeptical: “promoting U.S. interests” “promoting foreign values and ideas”
Do Mexicans Believe Rights Protect Criminals? Not really: Avg. = 2.7 (midpoint of 4) Liberal view prevails: Socioeconomic Justice (5.9) Protection from torture (5.8) Free and fair elections (5.2)
Geographical Distrubution Municipal-level averages (SAE) Northern states: avg. 1.4 pts. higher
Causes Crime: Politics: Direct Experience: victimization (personal or family): murder, kidnapping, robbery/theft Living in High Crime Area (homicide rates) Drugs (number of cartels in municipality) Politics: Parties (% of municipal vote)
Homicides High-murder municipalities map onto high rights skepticism
Homicides Every additional 100 murders ↑ 0.6 pts. San Fernando: 5.2 San Diego de la Unión: 2.8
BUT … No relationship so far to direct experience of victimization Possible relationship to no. of cartels weakens when controlling for murder rate
Useful for Advocates? Diagnosis Targetting Messaging