Displaced people- people who are forced to move due to war, famine etc. Illegal migrants- people who avoid border control, usually voluntary, sometimes ‘trafficked’. Voluntary migrants- move for quality of life, usually for economic gain. Some are temporary, others stay for a lifestyle change. In the UK people settle in: Bangladeshi: London. Pakistani: London, West Yorkshire, North West. Indian: London, East Midlands. Black African: London. Black Caribbean: London, East Midlands. Chinese: London, South East.
Illegal African Migrants. What is the appeal of the EU African migrant? * no famine. * no civil unrest. * no poverty. Many migrants enter through: * the Spanish Canary Islands. * Italy. * Malta. * Spanish enclaves of Ceuta & Melilla. Main problems? * Sahara Desert is dangerous, bandits & heat relate deaths * crowded boats & rough seas (fishing boats are lethal) * being caught leads to deportation. * can cost a lot of money if migrants need to pay trafficker fees.
Eastern European Migrants. Mainly Polish but some Slovakians, Lithuanians, Latvians & Czechs. An estimated 120,000 eastern EU migrants registered in rural UK in 2004-2006. Some are seasonal workers & peak in the early summer when fruit harvest is at it’s height these are known as SAW’s, (seasonal agricultural workers). These people tend to stay longer as they have plans. They do face some problems: * discrimination from locals. * they vary in skill levels with demand for English training. * housing is in short supply. * locals assume they are taking the jobs, although they are mainly doing the jobs the UK people don’t want to do. They move to the UK to find work with higher wages. There are recruitment agencies to help them find jobs. The push factor is that Polish young unemployment is very high.
Barriers that the EU migrants face: Barriers that the EU migrants face: * many can’t speak English and haven’t had access to health & education. * few migrants register with a GP, this puts strain on A&E services & translators. * as many migrants are young, their home country suffers a loss of worker, although this benefits the ageing UK. * they still receive low wages in the UK, but higher than in their home country.
Costa del Sol - Spain. There are many English people that emigrate to the Costa del Sol each year. They move for many reasons: * the weather, the average temperature all year is 23C. * lifestyle. * retirement. * activities. * normally the destination for Northern Europeans. * 600,000 homes are owned by English people, many are holiday homes. * low property price. * lower tax rates. * ‘distances reduction’ – cheap travel, long term building programmes & increased internet use.
Problems. lack of care for retirees, it is designed for good health. * large health care bills. * people cannot rely on families. * natural beauty of the area has been ruined by coastal development. * water supply issue. * new arrivals don’t communicate with locals. * inflation of property prices.