THE HOME AS GOD CREATED IT I. Intended To Be Permanent, Matt.19:3-6; Rom.7:1-2; 1 Cor.7:10-13. II. Marriage Is A Covenant; A Binding Agreement A. Significance Of Covenant Relationship, Jer.31:31-34; Matt.26:28; Heb.9:15; 10:26-29. B. Witnessed & Sealed by God Mal.2:14-16; Matt.19:3-6; Eph.5:25-33.
III. Exhortations Regarding Marriage: A. Enter With Understanding: 1. Marriage is to be permanent! 2. Only death or immorality can end the marriage (However, immorality does not have to end it). 3. There will be differences: be prepared to work them out as biblically directed. 4. Do not enter without Christian counseling: don’t jeopardize your marriage or your eternity! 5 For severe problems after marriage get post- marriage counseling. B. Build your marriage on Christ and his teachings, Matt.7:24-27.